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Events Calendar - January 21, 2005
Nomadic Massive (Montréal) [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Jan 21, 2005 @ 8:00pm
Info:The Nomadic Massive are Cultural Nomads, all uprooted since birth and latching on to Hip-Hop culture to express this disruption. The crew represents cultural diversity reflective of their Chilean, French, Haitian, Chinese, Iraki and Argentine roots. Their music incorporates traditional narratives and urban poetry, rhythms, and modern grooves. The members of the group shatter intolerance and ignorance with a prodigious command of French, English, Spanish, Creole and Arabic. It is open – minded Hip-Hop which finds its inspiration in the traditions of past, expressed in a combination of samplers, turntables and traditional instruments.

Opening = The Fantastic Maya and Fabulous Alana!!!!!

Doors open @ 7pm *Show starts @ 8pm
@ $7 in advance (tix available @ Mercury)
$ 9 @ the door

The sounds of the roots!!!....should be a pretty concert!!

Peace out

Added:Fri Jan 21, 2005 @ 8:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - January 21, 2005
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