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Events Calendar - December 11, 2004
DJ SNEAK @ Balu's Birthday Bash [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat Dec 11, 2004 @ 10:00pm
Info:Well here we are, another year goes by and Balu is about to celebrate sum'n that only comes once in your lifetime. Your dirty 30 Birthday. On this special occassion we have asked DJ SNEAK to join us to help make this event even more special. We've been trying to bring Sneak for the last couple years and things just have not worked out the previous times we tried. But we've finally got him!!!! This event is going to be sooooooo much fun as we will be listening to some of the phatest beats on this planet while witnessing the messiness that the evening will bring us :)

Make sure ya say a big happy b-day to Balu on this evening. He's been involved with Ottawa's music scene for over 8 years now and has spent countless hours striving to push Ottawa to the next level. Happy Birthday partna!!!

For those who don't know who Dj Sneak is, where the hell ya been hiding? Go to :
[ www.ottawaxpress.ca ]

For those who know, ya know what to expect, nut'n but the best beats.

Saturday, Decmber.11th/04- Balu's Big Birthday Bash

DJ SNEAK (Magnetic, All World, Chicago)

BALU [ ] dirty 30 b-day boi)

Brian Thompson (pozativ)

Ticket info: $20 advance , more at the door
available at Funf- 243 Bank St or Norml Clothing- 41.5 William St

19+/10pm til 6am/ Surface- 128 York St
Added:Sat Dec 11, 2004 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - December 11, 2004
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Contributing Members: » Belldandy (38)
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