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Events Calendar - November 9, 2004
Psychadelic Lunchbox [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Tue Nov 9, 2004 @ 9:30pm
Info:Ocean fire and Xpander collaborate to bring you a pure sensory experience of aural delight in psychadelic surroundings! We'll be serving up a special blend of classic intelligent trance, classic acid, techno, unreleased music, topped off with a bit of Tangerine Dream.

Also joining us will be Clone to close up the night with entrancing psychadelic goodness!

Psychadelic Lunchbox
Tuesday, November 9th
Cafe Dekcuf, 221 Rideau
Ottawa, Canada

[ www.analogengine.com ]
Added:Tue Nov 9, 2004 @ 9:30pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - November 9, 2004
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