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Events Calendar - October 8, 2004
Freetek @ The Hidden Valley of dreams [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Gatineau
Time:Fri Oct 8, 2004 @ 10:00am
Info:This event is about pure vibes and all of us gathering together to unite to the music we love. for free!

Psycronik ---- Psytrance
Data Decay ---- Psytrance
Mimesey Demon --- Goa/psytrance
Mark Psykick - Goa/Psytrance
Snuh ---- Snuhcore/freeform
exT ---- Hardcore
Lushys vs TetraHydra - Psytrance/Psy-breaks and Old skool Breakbeat
Emm - Trance
Level 13 - Freeform
Phill Atio - Booty
Bowzer - Happy Hardcore/Jungle
Ashes - Jungle/Freeform

We are workin hard to bring you the coolest outdoor party expereince in an intimate atmospher. Our safety crew will be maintaning all outdoor fire pits to make sure there safe and you are as welll.

and questions message me, or mischeif.

Happy party time :)

message me to get into the private forum. and recieve the infoline number
Added:Fri Oct 8, 2004 @ 10:00am by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - October 8, 2004
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