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Events Calendar - September 20, 2004
Thro@tmotor at Zaphod's [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Mon Sep 20, 2004 @ 8:00am
[ ] (4-5 tracks you can sample)

Amidst a rabble of noizemakers screaming for attention, THROATMOTOR was busy eating a hot dog and warding off collection agencies. Why? Because they were broke and hungry. Some say they still are, but no one really knows. The band's origin is relatively unknown, though the following was found scribbled on a napkin at an IHOP in Bangor: THROATMOTOR live in Ottawa, ON Canada...though their roots lie in New Brunswick. Band-founder Trev grew up there studying to become a wrestler. He failed, and due to his scrawny nature, went for musician bum instead. Soonafter he met Jamie, who had found a bass lying under a heap of used diapers, discarded tampons and razorblades. they moved to ottawa and met Tom behind the dumpster he'd set fire to, and was subsequently arrested for. a short while later, and after burning a fatty, they decided to watch cartoons with the volume down and jam overtop. Out of the rain came Jon, the new guy across the street who had just caught a guitar that had fallen from the sky. Soaking wet and blinking, he plugged in and supplied the glue for a band otherwise held together with gum. This 4 member band‘s manifesto is simple: synchronic-four-chord space rock layered with electronic undertones, hyperactive rhythms and a yardsale-army of whizzy old analog synths. Industrial? Naw, not really. Punk? Maybe a little. “Electro-alterna-synthpunk” was a recent description of the band’s sound on [ ] "Nothing ends up the way it started..." says band-founder Trev Brown. "...something loud and angry becomes light and sarcastic…it seems we work best when we’re making fun of ourselves." Promoting their new independent CD "Cryhole" by shooting hundreds of them out of a cannon, the band hopes to share their patented brand of cereal-box synthnoize with whomever cares to listen, or would like some cereal.

Opening Act:

[ ]

So come out for the FREEEEEEEEEEE show , buy some cds, support some amazing artists, and dance the night away!

or just get drunk and act cooler than everyone from a booth.

either way, its free, and what else are you gonna do?
sit home and bake a kitten?!?


CDs and Merch 4 sale!
Added:Mon Sep 20, 2004 @ 8:00am by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - September 20, 2004
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