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Events Calendar - August 17, 2002
Frankie Bones @ Nation [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Sat Aug 17, 2002 @ 12:00am
Location:Red Square (corner of Duncan and Richmond)
Description:FRANKIE BONES East Music Company, Brooklyn, USA
Frankie Bones is the most visable DJ and taste-maker in New York's independant techno scene. Through his nation-trotting club appearances and frenetic mix-album schedule, he is the originator. Not only at the forefront of a musical revolution, Frankie was at it's very inception globally. [ www.frankiebones.com ]
Room 1:
Frankie Bones (Canada, Nova Scotia, Brooklyn)
Matt C (Canada, Quebec, Montreal)
Pauly (USA, Iowa, New York)
Kenny Glasgow
Extras:$15 before midnight
$20 untill 2am
$25 thereafter
Added:Sat Aug 17, 2002 @ 12:00am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - August 17, 2002
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