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Events Calendar - July 2, 2004
Disorganised One Year Anniversary Bash! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Jul 2, 2004 @ 9:30pm
Info:July 2nd, 2004:


featuring very special guest:

[b]THE NOTORIOUS W.I.G. (Ninja Tune, Montreal)[/b]

Disorganised brings you only the best for their one year anniversary - Ninja Tune North America's founding man and head honcho - the now legendary [b]WIG![/b]

Jeff "Wig" Waye opened the Ninja Tune North American office 8 years ago in Montreal, and made it a household name across the nation. He'll be throwing down alongside us and delivering one of his famed eclectic sets to keep you moving and shaking until the sun comes up. Rumour has it he's also shared a bed with Linus on a few occasions...

Also featuring your hand-puppet drunkard residents, who will be spinning party-tastic music all night long like Lionel Ritchie:

[b]CHAMELEONIC[/b] (Cleerance.co, Uprising Fam, Norml, [ welivetogether.com ]
[b]DJ BOOTH[/b] (Organised Sound, [ bignaturals.com ]
[b]PHO[/b] (Uprising Fam, Palm Squad, [ milfhunter.com ]

Live canvas by [b]PLUS3[/b]

[b]Disorganised Mix CD on sale at event![/b]

Location [b]Basement of the Clocktower Brew Pub[/b]
575 Bank Street (at the 417)
Go in, then downstairs
Admission: [b]$3[/b]
[b]9:30pm - 3am[/b]

Disorganised is the first Friday of every month...
Added:Fri Jul 2, 2004 @ 9:30pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - July 2, 2004
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Contributing Members: » Belldandy (3)
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