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Events Calendar - April 8, 2004
Re-Birth @ MTL with Easton Ellis & Mark Hughes [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Thu Apr 8, 2004 @ 10:25pm
Info:This night marks the begining of a new time for
Re-Birth at MTL. There will be a new guest every week playing with me

The first special guest of the Re-birth night will be Mark Hughes. This will offer the downstairs a much more diverse sound then any other night in the market. Covering everything from progressive to techno, funky house, breaks and maybe even a little trance.

Every week from now on will feature a new special guest at MTL. It will for sure be a night to check out downstairs.
Added:Thu Apr 8, 2004 @ 10:25pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - April 8, 2004
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