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Events Calendar - March 31, 2004
FullHouse Wednesdays @ Cosmo Nightclub [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Wed Mar 31, 2004 @ 10:30pm
Info:Hey guys and gals,
Starting March 31 COSMO & FLIP PRODUCTIONZ is hosting Fullhouse. This is the grandopening night. We are trying to bring a little bit of the club roots back into the clubs. Resident Dj MR.X will be providing the opening sounds ranging from lounge to prog and increase the intensity throughout the night. Each week we will be inviting Guest Djs from around the city.

So far this is what is planned for the next couple of Wednesdays
Grand Opening
Mar 31 - DJ Dylan D (CKCU 93.1fm, Badman Press)

Apr 7 - Mike James (Tech House)
Apr 14 - Fil-E Blunt (Synergy, Gunz n’ Bomz, CHUO 89.1fm)
Apr 21 - Davy John Pacheco (EVERYWHERE)
Apr 28 - Bobby Timken (Freelance)
May 5 - Patrick D. (Independent)
May 12 - Hashek (Gunz N’ Bomz, CHUO 89.1 fm)

Come show your support to for the local talent.

Cover $3 b4 11 $5 after
*10-12am resident DJ
*12am -2am guest DJ

If you are interested in being a guest please email me at FLIPPRODUCTIONZ@HOTMAIL.com. I am looking for Djs of all types, Jungle, drum n bass, prog, funkyhouse, trance, hardcore, etc. Tell your friends and come support FULLHOUSE
Added:Wed Mar 31, 2004 @ 10:30pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - March 31, 2004
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