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Events Calendar - February 19, 2004
Beats & Eats [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Manitoba, Winnipeg
Time:Thu Feb 19, 2004 @ 10:00am
Info:swing on by the old Corydon strip @ Bar Italia 737 Corydon on Thursdays
enjoy some coffee or drinks with funked out house with Oxide and a host of open deck dj's including this weeks guests:

Phaze M [ www.symptomtech.com ]
& Domain [ www.farside.ca ]

there's never cover at BI so come on by, there'll be lots of changes coming soon with the spring/summer season around the corner
if you're interested in playing an open deck slot be sure to drop me an email oxide@urbnet.com
see you tomorrow night!

[ www.urbnet.com ]
ps. be sure to call in your Fundrive pledge to CKUW during Phase1 Radio 10pm-Midnight 774-6877
Added:Thu Feb 19, 2004 @ 10:00am by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - February 19, 2004
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