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Events Calendar - February 29, 2004
XVI Brunch v2.0 [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 11:00am

Yup, Xelethin and I were discussin and since last time was a success were going to do it again.

This is just like cattle in a trough, all you can eat stylez with complimentary Tea, Coffee or OJ.

When: Sunday, Feb 29th (Brunch is 10am, we get there between 10:30 and 11:00am until 2:00pm).
Where: Tuckers Marketplace, 61 York
Cost: $14.99 which includes drinks.
Why: We're pathetic losers? :P Why not!

Okay, so ya... If you wanna go to this toggle below, and if we get enough we'll see about making a reservation just in case. I know at least three maybe four people interested in going, and a few more would be killer.
Added:Sun Feb 29, 2004 @ 11:00am by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - February 29, 2004
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