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Events Calendar - February 28, 2004
*Turnin' 26* [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat Feb 28, 2004 @ 9:00pm
Info:Mishky and I are having our 3rd annual birthday bash (YAY!),
** TURNIN' 26 **
on Saturday, February 28th @ The Cock 'n Lion
(sponsored by Funf Clothing)

///// FREE EVENT!!! /////


202 Sparks St. @ Bank (a few doors down from "Paradox", next to Brixton's)
It's a great little space, with a super-chillin' atmosphere (you'll love it!), and we've got a sweet li'l line-up of DJs planned for the night:

09:00: Nodrog
10:30: Plush
11:00: Rude-B Jane
12:00: Threesixty
1:00: Fiver
2:00: Speaker Phreaker

Drop by, have a beer, listen to some good beats, and laugh at us being drunk off our asses! :P

So mark it off on your calendars - last year was tons of fun! Don't miss out on this wicked free event!
Added:Sat Feb 28, 2004 @ 9:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - February 28, 2004
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Contributing Members: » Belldandy (14)
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