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Events Calendar - February 7, 2004
Ravers on Ice. [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat Feb 7, 2004 @ 1:00pm
Info:Two weeks ago today, 20 xviers all banded together in -30 degree weather and fierce winds, some close to suffering frost-bite, some actually getting minor cases of it, and one raver getting a nasty case of hypothermia that took a few days to get over, to enjoy the first ever outing of “Ravers on Ice”.

On the 7th, the weather is beautifully forecasted to have a high of -1, and a low of -16, with almost a guarantee of some light snow.

Everyone will be meeting up at 1 pm in Rideau at the traditional place (Shoppers) and hitting the ice at 2 pm, starting as close to the giant spiral staircase as possible.

I haven't been on the canal nearly as much as I should, so I know that I'm using this as an excuse to get out there and enjoy Ottawa’s biggest winter tourist attraction.

This is an all ages event, and there is no cover charge, as the world’s longest skating canal will always be free to enjoy. The event is listed to end at 4pm, but that all depends on how long we want to stay out there moving around on frozen water with blades bolted to the bottom of our feet.

Sadly, glowsticks and redbull will not be for sale at this event. ;)

If there are any questions, or issues to be resolved concerning Ravers on Ice, please contact me via XVI, and I will give you my MSN contact or deal with the situation on the spot with a handy XIM.

Cheers, and see you on the rink.
Added:Sat Feb 7, 2004 @ 1:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - February 7, 2004
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Contributing Members: » Belldandy (11)
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