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Events Calendar - January 31, 2004
Painting Trains [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat Jan 31, 2004 @ 11:00am
Info:In celebration of 150 years of train history in Ottawa, the NCC in conjunction with the Bytown Railway society is sponsoring all things train-related at the rest area on the canal near the Conference Centre.

Come down to the canal this Saturday and/or Sunday from 11am-3pm to see three artists paint pictures of trains from three different time periods in history.

Trains by John Brownfield, Peter Fritz and Chris Lascelle with famil-friendly beats by Nemo, Bear Witness, Mz. Revolution and friends.

It's free and everyone's welcome so hope to see you there!
Added:Sat Jan 31, 2004 @ 11:00am by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - January 31, 2004
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