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Events Calendar - February 21, 2004
House of Kitsch presents: FUNKTION!! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat Feb 21, 2004 @ 9:00pm
House of Kitsch
Info:House of Kitsch Presents:


Saturday, February 21, 2004

In celebration of mid-winter, imminent spring thaw, and the soul fever that follows, the Kitsch trio will be loading up the caravan with some vinyl gems and funky vibes and will re-locate one of our famous parties to the Grand Oasis known as the Camarillo Brillo, the loft above Zibbibo.

The House of Kitsch trio will cut up a fresh-baked blend of multigrain soul vibrations:

Zattar (Dashing Dimples)
Ruby Jane (Funky Scarves)

and on visual projections

Darsha (PW's playhouse)

+ guest percussionists


Saturday, February 21, 2004
Zibbibo Italian Soul Kitchen (Upstairs)
495 Somerset St. W.
9pm - 2am
2$ (... for the collection plate)

Zibibo's website:
[ www.zibibbo.org ]
Added:Sat Feb 21, 2004 @ 9:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - February 21, 2004
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