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Events Calendar - September 9, 2006
Digital [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Sep 9, 2006 @ 12:00am till Sat Sep 9, 2006 @ 3:00am
Description:Saturday September 9th 2006
12am -3am
@ K.O – Café Chaos 2031 St-Denis – Montreal

Kracked Knuckles, Beat Concierge Prod., and the [ ] proudly presents:

DIGITAL (Timeless, Function, L-Plates, Metalheadz, UK

Best known for his ability to rinse out the "old skool beatz" and "dubby basslines", Digital has made a career of mashing up the old with the new, forging his own futuristic soundclash vibe in the process. Drawing heavily upon the sounds of classic dub / reggae music, no other contemporary drum & bass artist can lay claim to fully exploring Jamaican sound-system culture as effectively as Digital has. With an emphasis on rhythm over melody and an equal emphasis on the off-beat, it's no secret that the Jamaican music scene of the late 1960s and early 1970s is the direct cultural predecessor to the early jungle-breakbeat sound. More specifically, however, it was the emergence of dub music that seems to have influenced Digital's creations the most.


STYLUST ( Nitrous and Kensai special back 2 back set)
(KK, iDJ, Oni Records NZ, Darkland Recordings)

GENERIC (Vibez Recordings UK, Heavy Users)

Venue: K.O – Café Chaos 2031 St-Denis – Montreal

Tickets 7$ in advance @ DNA records 3828 St-Laurent
10$ at the door
Limited capacity.
Room 1:
Nitrous - - In Da Jungle Recordings
Added:Wed Aug 16, 2006 @ 12:23pm by » Nitrous_N2O
Modified:Fri Sep 8, 2006 @ 11:45am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - September 9, 2006
17 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Bassic
» carnal
» Corey_K
» DocFunk
» Elusive
» FaUst
» MaliSSe
» Seabee
Contributing Members: » MaliSSe (35), » MLion (5)
Member Comments
» Eve-Hill said @ Sat Sep 9, 2006 @ 4:55pm
:( my partner in crime is sick so i dunno if im going anymore
» doc_funk said @ Thu Sep 7, 2006 @ 1:16pm
lol why is there a button to put your self as playing.. sorry guys i hit the wrong button by accident.. but il be there for sure.
» Special_S said @ Mon Aug 28, 2006 @ 4:40pm
FIRST 420 show Import!! D I G I T AL from the U.K is one of the first to come! big acts to follow - Make sure you get your tickests ASAP - contact me for reduced priced tix! BOYA!!
» Nitrous_N2O said @ Wed Aug 16, 2006 @ 12:26pm