Page: 1 | Rating: Unrated [0] |
Gay Sex!
Coolness: 340575
| Go have some, k thanks. |
Coolness: 121825
| i know you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant it |
Coolness: 277345
| Ians just a gay sex pusher. |
Coolness: 68490
| id go have me some gay sex but that would require someone to have it with |
Coolness: 72160
| yaye its..its...HOMOEROTICISM!
:P |
Coolness: 68490
| adam and steve not adam and eve !! |
Coolness: 686500
| Stop re-writing the bible!
(that's my job) |
Coolness: 68490
| ill rewrite your bible any time baybee !!
rawrr |
Coolness: 42575
| YO! I told you mofos to leave the BOSS don't want him mad at cha?!
UrbanologY |
Gay Sex!
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