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You'Re The Fuckin' Problem ...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nathan replied on Sun Jul 3, 2011 @ 9:59pm
Coolness: 167265
So, a while back an artist, who I met 2 years ago at the Kinetik industrial festival, wrote about the music scene in a blog. He talks primarily about the industrial scene, but it pertains to all. He's the front-man for the band Caustic, but this has nothing to do with that, this is just a personal observation from him, and I found it interesting enough to post it here ... Basically, it's about club-nights and music, a poke at people who complain about shit, but don't do shit.

There are 4 parts to this: The Fans, the Promoters, the DJs, and the Producers.

Follow the links, enjoy, discuss.

[ www.tellmeaboutmyuterus.com ]

Here's a teaser:

''Here’s a note to every person who bitches about “not getting any good shows” in their area: What the hell have YOU done to make them happen?

We live in a time where everyone can be lazy as fuck. You don’t need to pay for music or television or movies or ANYTHING if you don’t want to. On top of it you can anonymously whine online about all the shit YOU DIDN’T EVEN PAY FOR and be an asshole just because you hate your life or think it’s funny being a dick when you’re drunk.

Guess what? You’re the fucking problem.''

**BTW, I'm also posting this 'cause what he says is fucking true, it's real. People need to either wake-the-fuck-up, or shut-the-fuck-up.
I'm feeling you up right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» DynV replied on Sun Jul 3, 2011 @ 10:24pm
Coolness: 109525
You’re the Fucking Problem (part one of four)

Posted on November 5, 2010 by matt| Comments Off

Here’s a note to every person who bitches about “not getting any good shows” in their area: What the hell have YOU done to make them happen?

We live in a time where everyone can be lazy as fuck. You don’t need to pay for music or television or movies or ANYTHING if you don’t want to. On top of it you can anonymously whine online about all the shit YOU DIDN’T EVEN PAY FOR and be an asshole just because you hate your life or think it’s funny being a dick when you’re drunk.

Guess what? You’re the fucking problem.

I’ve done pretty much every position in this little genre, from promoting to making music to running a label and marketing CDs. I’m not “big business,” but I probably know more than you. Mostly I’ve done it because it’s fun. If I make a couple bucks here and there and know I’ve entertained a few people that’s cool enough. I don’t expect the world.

At the same time I stopped doing a lot of it because of the pure apathy I encountered. Some of it was because, at least locally, a lot of people here got married, had kids, or moved away. There wasn’t much point in promoting shows when nobody really came out anymore and I lost a good chunk of money every time. The only shows I generally book now are either good friends (and then not always either, depending on what they’re looking for moneywise), or…Assemblage 23. Oh, and Stromkern. I can always do well with A23 or Stromkern locally.

And that’s really fucking sad.

Do I go out to every show that comes through? No, I don’t, but I at LEAST help get the word out on it. What really, really, REALLY pisses me off in this scene is that we have a million ways to spread word of mouth FOR FREE and You Fuckers barely make a peep to let others know when shit is coming to town. I’ve heard countless times after shows “DUDE! YOU WERE IN TOWN?! I DIDN’T HEAR!!!” when I KNOW the promoter got the word out.

Is it REALLY so fucking hard to “share” upcoming events on Facebook or retweet something? Even if you’re not going, is it REALLY so fucking hard? Is your reputation so important that if someone actually goes and spends the $5 cover most promoters charge and don’t like the band it’ll damage your friendships forever?

I see people talk about every fucking MOVIE they’re going to see or the hot youtube video or a million OTHER fucking distractions out there, but these same people won’t talk up when “UP AND COMING EBM BAND X” is coming to town unless they’ve got that band’s logo tattoed on their vagina. Guess what? WE NEED SUPPORT. Guess what? MOST OF YOU DON’T EVEN PAY FOR THE MUSIC.

Seriously, what the fuck do we have to do? Our mouths aren’t big enough to blow every one of you (or girl-blow you. I don’t want to be sexist.) and we can only sweet talk to the point where we simply give up. I’m not saying go see a band whose music you don’t like, but you have no problem blowing money on even stupider shit in your daily lives and if you check the band out on Myspace (What? Google’s too hard to use for 5 seconds?) and it sounds interesting then STOP PLAYING WoW FOR A FEW HOURS AND GO TO THE SHOW.

Most fans (and I still consider you fans– I can’t judge that) are spoiled rotten these days. I’m obviously not trying to ingratiate myself to anyone here, but frankly what can anyone do to me? STEAL MY MUSIC?!?! Steal it LESS?!?

It takes 5 seconds to get the word out on a show and a few bucks to check the show out. Even if you hate the promoter don’t blame the bands for that. If it’s any consolation the promoter will probably STILL lose their ass, and that’ll be the subject of my next rant.

Yeah. I’m gunning for ALL you assholes right now…

You’re the Fucking Problem (part two of four)

Posted on November 5, 2010 by matt| Comments Off

Most people who promote in any genre of music where the main venue for the acts sells $2 bottles of High Life has very little clue on how to promote shows or clubnights. Here’s a note to all promoters: Putting an event on your Facebook page and inviting your 50 friends, half of which aren’t even WHERE YOU LIVE, and expecting a sell-out show is NOT promoting. Putting fliers out ONLY at the club the event will be at IS NOT PROMOTING. Complaining on your blog that nobody showed up IS NOT PROMOTING.

PROMOTING is promoting.

Okay, I’ve promoted probably 75-100 shows since 2001. I’ve been running a festival since 2002. I know How To Promote, and I know how to do it with zero budget.

It takes WORK. Just because you DJ or know a few people does not ensure that anyone will come to your gig. If people don’t come it doesn’t mean they don’t love you or aren’t your friends. You need to GIVE THEM A REASON. Whether that be a cheaper door price for coming earlier, a giveaway or some special twist, or making the show earlier if it’s on a weeknight and people have to get up at the asscrack of dawn to go to their shitty jobs.

Give them a reason.

And give it to them 1000 times.

I hate to say it, but being a promoter is all about reminding people over and over again but knowing that breaking point when you’re simply COMPLETELY ANNOYING. It sucks. It’s frustrating. It’s no fun.

But yup, it’s promoting.

And if nobody shows, when it comes down to it, it’s YOUR FUCKING FAULT.

If the bands you book suck, it’s YOUR FAULT for booking shit. If the DJs play terrible music and people leave it’s YOUR FAULT for letting them spin at all. If your sound person sucks or is always late it’s YOUR FAULT for hiring them. If nobody comes out it’s YOUR FAULT for not giving them a fucking reason to show.

It sucks and it’s ALWAYS an uphill battle, but you decided to promote. If you decide to become a doctor and every person dies on the operating table that’s YOUR FAULT too.

Do your fucking job. And if you can’t do it alone get other people to help you. There’s safety in numbers and getting the word out is a lot easier if there’s a few of you on the job.

And STOP FUCKING WHINING about stuff and trying to guilt trip people into coming to gigs. Promoting is basically a crapshoot and I have nothing but respect for people who do it as, like I’ve said, I’ve done it plenty. I’ve lost literally THOUSANDS of dollars over the years promoting shows. Know the costs. Know what you can lose. Know who you can count on. Or stop promoting shows.

A bad promoter can kill all chances of ANYONE going to shows in your city. Hell, for YEARS bands in our scene wouldn’t play CHICAGO (remember that town? Home of WAX TRAX!?) because there was only one good promoter there and if she passed you were FUCKED because nobody else could pull off a gig. CHICAGO!!!!

Nobody goes into promoting for the glory. Small promoters aren’t generally the ones getting laid after a show for a job well done, but they are the ones that bands will remember, ESPECIALLY when they’re working their way up the food chain, and will appreciate later. I know personally I will only work with certain people if I play some cities because they took a chance on me when I first started out. Maybe I didn’t make a lot of money but there’s an unspoken loyalty that I know I have with some people.

Do it right or don’t do it at all. And learn how to do it better.

It’s your fucking job.

You’re the Fucking Problem (part three of four)

Posted on November 5, 2010 by matt| Comments Off

Hey club DJs, I have a question– Do you work for some major corporate club circuit or radio station and have a station/club manager giving you a set playlist every night?



I’m not saying play all obscure stuff– I actually used to do that because I thought it made me a “real” DJ and that I could dictate what people would or would not like. And you know what? Nobody danced.

But you know what? I still play shit nobody knows in between the stuff they DO know.

It’s unfathomable to me when I see playlists that I know literally EVERY FUCKING SONG ON THEM. I barely even LISTEN to most new EBM/industrial these days. Why? I make it, so most of it isn’t that interesting to me. I know it IS interesting to the hot club girls who come out and dance (and let’s face it– if the cute girls come out in their New Rocks and dance then that’s all you need. Penises will follow.) so I don’t begrudge anyone playing some 4/4 oontz so the crowd can get their dance on.

But if you’re not being TOLD what to play and aren’t given a playlist…why the fuck do you HAVE to play the same shit EVERY…SINGLE…TIME?

99% of club DJs (and I’m saying club, not radio shows or podcasts) have carte blanche over what they play. You have 1 actual responsibility: Keep people there and keep them drinking. Technically playing a good song by a band most people DON’T know is a good thing on two levels: A) It exposes people to some kickass new music, and B) It gives people a break to grab a drink and make sure the bar makes the money so people can keep the clubnight.

Just because you keep a floor going doesn’t mean you’re a good DJ. Take some fucking PRIDE in what you do, you lazy pricks. Personally I don’t give a shit if every song is beatmatched, but what I care about is solid SELECTION. I love going “Oooh, what’s THIS track?” and asking the DJ what they’re playing. As a DJ you’re both an entertainer AND an ambassador. Show them what’s good, known AND unknown. I mean Christ– who doesn’t love saying “Oh, THAT band? Yeah, I’ve been playing them since their first demos…”

(I still say that about Modulate:))

Don’t be lazy and just play shit people know. People WILL burn out on it. I’m also not saying be an elitist prick and ONLY play obscure stuff– make it a 5:1 ratio or something (adjust the ratio to your audience). Like I said, losing a bit of the floor isn’t always a bad thing in terms of business.

And to those of you who whine that they can’t afford new music– YOU AREN’T FOOLING ANYONE. We KNOW you’re stealing it. Fuck, MOST DJs get the shit free from the artists or labels themselves in mp3 format. I know it’s the DJs attitude that “I shouldn’t pay for SHIT, man! THE MUSICIANS ARE NOTHING WITHOUT ME!!!”

You know what? Fuck that attitude. If you have to lower yourself and actually BUY a CD once in a while it won’t kill you, especially since you most likely get PAID (hopefully) to DJ and we artists are the reason you have any CONTENT at all.

So if you have that attitude kindly go fuck yourself. You’re no god. And most likely your DJ spot Tuesdays at DEKKADENTZ is about as attended as a fucking Caustic show in Ibiza.

We need each other. Just because you steal our music or get it free doesn’t mean you’re anything more than the music you press PLAY on. And I say this as someone who has DJ’d for over a decade. I know the attitude. I also know what it’s like to be a poor DJ. But have some fucking respect.

And play some good music, regardless of whether every single person knows the chorus by heart.

You’re the Fucking Problem (part four of four)

Posted on November 5, 2010 by matt| Comments Off

I saved the artists for last for a reason: It’s mostly YOUR fault.

YOU make the music. YOU inspire people to dance. Or feel. Or hate (edit- because hate isn’t an…emotion?).

And, frankly, most of us are TOTALLY FUCKING IT UP.

Just like the fans, we have gotten complacent. For a very small investment most of us can get a decent studio going…hell, the investment could just be a computer with a decent processor since all the software can be STOLEN.

And the software is easy enough to use. “Hey, I can make that bassline I heard in that Aesthetic Perfection song!” “Whoa, THAT’s how Cyanotic did that!” “Man, this sounds JUST like X, Y, Z, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ”.

You have so much potential in your hands, and all you give a shit about is sounding like your favorite bands.

And then you bitch that nobody listens to you.

Here’s a helpful fucking hint to those of you out there making music: IF EVERYONE SAYS YOU SOUND LIKE A CERTAIN BAND THEN *CHANGE YOUR FUCKING SOUND* We already HAVE a Combichrist. We already HAVE a VNV Nation. Nobody WANTS me, but we HAVE a fucking CAUSTIC.

How are you DIFFERENT?!!? For a scene that pretends like they’re all “outsiders” and “rebels” (or at least that’s what the clothing lines you buy like to TELL you) we’re about as uniform as anyone ELSE in their uniforms.

But there’s one thing I’ve always loved about a vast, VAST majority of this scene: We’re actually creative as FUCK.

So why the hell AREN’T THE ARTISTS?

If you make music, STEP IT THE FUCK UP. Ask people their HONEST opinions on what you’re doing. PUSH YOURSELF. Don’t rest on your laurels because it sounds “Good Enough”. Make it YOURS, you braindead cunts. Why the hell are you creating music to BEGIN WITH? I love artists that I hear the song or the person’s voice and IMMEDIATELY identify that it’s them. I don’t WANT to hear another distorted voice sounding kinda sorta like Marshall from Psyclon Nine or kinda sorta sounding like Ronan or kinda sorta sounding like ANYONE.

If not in the music than in the CONTENT. Make your words MEAN SOMETHING. It’s really hard to write good lyrics in a genre that prides itself on production over substance, but WORK ON IT. CONNECT with people on WHATEVER level.


PROMOTE YOURSELF. If you just do music for you and don’t mind it when people stumble on your stuff more power to you. Most of us aren’t that way, but if you want it DO THE WORK and SHUT THE FUCK UP. If you’re on a label and want them to do all the footwork YOU WILL FAIL. If you hire a “manager” (aka your soon-to-be “former girlfriend”) and think they’ll open all the doors for you YOU WILL FAIL. If you have accounts on every social networking site but don’t constantly pimp them YOU WILL FAIL.

The odds are AGAINST you, even if you’re making AMAZING music. Why? PEOPLE DON’T KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE.


Nobody is handed anything, especially when there’s a glut of music out there. Having a unique (yet accessible) perspective is the ONLY way anyone will care about you. OR, maybe sadly, having a LOT of money and time to invest in pimping yourself.

Think of it this way: A major label spends at LEAST $500,000 on new artists they’re just trying to BREAK into the mainstream. You have no budget except free time and determination. USE it. Or SHUT UP.

And you’ll ONLY get big if you pimp hard AND long enough AND you STILL have to get lucky! I can count on fingers and toes people I owe my firstborn to because I was lucky enough that they liked what I was doing early on and took chances on me. I couldn’t force that luck to happen, but the more that you’re OUT THERE the better your odds are.


And stop the fucking whining.

I'm feeling <3 sexi_babe_69 right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nathan replied on Sun Jul 3, 2011 @ 10:29pm
Coolness: 167265
Well, I was trying to avoid the Wall-Of-Text, but thnx for posting the actual articles, DynV. xD

It seems like alot, but its a good read, smoke a J and check it out -- I've never seen anyone in the electronic music scene be so brutally, and publicly, honest about these things ...
I'm feeling you up right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Kishmay_Pinas replied on Sun Jul 3, 2011 @ 10:32pm
Coolness: 103975
Truly is a good read!
I'm feeling ez sessions monday wut! right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss replied on Mon Jul 4, 2011 @ 12:10am
Coolness: 130440
I like the part when he talks about the club djs playing the same songs cause they're TOLD too.

A lot of djs think they HAVE to play requests. The truth is not only do you NOT have to (by law no one can enter an establishment and impose their musical choices, except if you've been hired for that specific task, ie the DJ), you should also do everything in your power not to be put in that situation and always play music YOU think is good, not stuff you know in your heart is crap because so and so told you too do it.

If djs changed that mentality of always doing what people tell them to do, you wouldn't hear half the crap you hear in mainstream clubs today.
I'm feeling sunshine right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nathan replied on Mon Jul 4, 2011 @ 5:07pm
Coolness: 167265
^ yup ... When playing for a dance-floor club-night, like when I play Industrial, I try to please the crowd, for sure, but I take requests as suggestions (songs, bands, styles), play lesser known songs from well known bands, and throw a really good track in that isn't popular (yet!) in between the hits ...

Anyway, it's all fairly simple but no one gets it ... Fans: go to shows! Promoters: promote! DJs: play good music, not only popular shit! Producers: Innovate!

I mean, no one is forced to do the right thing, but don't bitch & whine if things aren't perfect when you aren't even pulling your weight ...

I'm feeling you up right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ONE.LAB.RAT replied on Mon Jul 4, 2011 @ 5:21pm
Coolness: 76975
Il read this later.

But have something to say.

Bien nice or smiling at a dj promoter or something like that, will not get you on gestlist.
There is people that if there not the gestlist they just don't come.
I even insisted to pay at party when I wasn't charge.

I know how much money that can be lost in a party and it frustrating to know that some are to cheap to pay 40$ when the event cost can be over 8000$ to produce.

I would have to say a big fuck off to all those cheap ass and if some are ofended by this, just come and tell it in my face(I don't punch, so there is noting to be afraid onless your afraid of a point of view).
I'm feeling no more beritos right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nodeletesucks replied on Mon Jul 4, 2011 @ 6:55pm
Coolness: 56740
I don't agree that much with the producer one...sorry. He's mostly aiming at the little producers who think they're cool and will end up as a copy of an another artist.
You do realise that it's a fucking pain in the ass to promote yourself nowadays right? Why? Because of these little fuckers. They spam the shit out of everyone and nobody wants to EVER listen to a track you send them because they're too afraid to listen to some crap a 6 years old could come up with.
Instead of encouraging them, I'd rather say that they should STFU, learn music and do something else than any twit could come up with and THEN promote themselves.
I'm feeling horny right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nathan replied on Mon Jul 4, 2011 @ 7:36pm
Coolness: 167265
Originally Posted By A_X_CELL

I don't agree that much with the producer one...sorry. He's mostly aiming at the little producers who think they're cool and will end up as a copy of an another artist.
You do realise that it's a fucking pain in the ass to promote yourself nowadays right? Why? Because of these little fuckers. They spam the shit out of everyone and nobody wants to EVER listen to a track you send them because they're too afraid to listen to some crap a 6 years old could come up with.
Instead of encouraging them, I'd rather say that they should STFU, learn music and do something else than any twit could come up with and THEN promote themselves.

True! But then, these 'little fuckers' don't know that they're little fuckers. Some geniuses work their asses off and get no recognition and have a hard time putting themselves out there 'cause of other carbon-copy spammer twats -- but I think his comments were directed at the producers who complain about not getting noticed, without really having done anything either to promote themselves or be different. Alot of genius types that make great music don't really care about 'making it big' so the blog might not pertain to them ... on the other hand, if you ARE working your ass off, and you DO make original and/or kick-ass music, then don't take offense, just keep on working hard!

Some people can 'make it' simply by being at the right place at the right time, or 'cause they have cash, or 'cause their parents have cash, or coincidental connections, etc. Nonetheless, this isn't the case for everyone, and the point is you can't bitch if you don't try.

Don't forget, he had the Industrial/EBM scene in mind, and unlike other techno styles where similarity drives the hypnotic groove of the dance-floor, it's obvious that alot of bands try to mimic their favorite (or best-selling) bands, instead of producing different, original, forward-thinking, futuristic music - which is the basis for the Industrial movement.

In a year or two, when all the kids get bored with Dubstep, the same type of comments will surface from some person heavily involved in the scene.

If we love music, we have to push it, no matter what the style, especially if our principles lie deep within that style - whether it's attending, promoting, DJing, or producing. If we aren't part of the solution, well ... .. .
I'm feeling you up right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss replied on Mon Jul 4, 2011 @ 11:58pm
Coolness: 130440
Originally Posted By A_X_CELL

Because of these little fuckers. They spam the shit out of everyone and nobody wants to EVER listen to a track you send them because they're too afraid to listen to some crap a 6 years old could come up with.

Thats why I avoid beatport like the plague, so much garbage on that site.

I still buy cds and records all the time, primarily because you get better sound, but also because I figure if someones really good, they will eventually be picked up and released properly.

One thing people dont realise is ANYONE can produce electronic music. Thats the beauty of it on one level. The main problem is not many people know how to produce GOOD music so the market gets saturated with caca.

Thats why you will always need djs because djs are the ones who do all the work of sorting through the crap to bring out the gold.
I'm feeling sunshine right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cutterhead replied on Sun Jul 10, 2011 @ 5:48pm
Coolness: 132315
truly skiped the text , and gone back to my paks-o-set-0-strings and max ampdisto .
I'm feeling "god is(i)n`the tv" right now..
You'Re The Fuckin' Problem ...
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