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Cbc Report On Bell Abuse , Bell Shit Part 2
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cutterhead replied on Sat Apr 4, 2009 @ 10:35pm
Coolness: 132280
footnote after the article.

[ www.cbc.ca ]

Bell, MTS at odds in separate appeals of CRTC rulings
Both companies have asked federal government for reversals, but for different reasons

BCE Inc. has asked Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his cabinet to reverse a CRTC ruling that requires Bell to provide wholesale internet service providers access to the same speeds Bell offers.

Bell said Thursday the CRTC decision, made in December and reaffirmed on March 3, discourages investment in broadband and next-generation networks and will be harmful to the Canadian economy.

In particular, Bell residential services president Kevin Crull said the decision "alters the financial case for the $700 million we are investing in accelerating the deployment of our next-generation fibre over the next three years."

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission issued the decision in December ordering Canada's big phone companies, including Bell and Telus Corp., to offer the same internet speeds to smaller wholesale customers as they themselves sell on a retail basis.

Under existing CRTC rules, the big phone companies are required to rent out their networks to smaller service providers, who then sell internet access to their own customers. The rules boost the number of competitors selling internet access to the public, and thus keep prices down and service levels up.

The regulations, however, have only applied to older infrastructure based in phone companies' centralized office buildings. Phone companies have recently been pushing their networks out of those buildings by putting new equipment into street-side cabinets in an effort to boost their customers' internet speeds.
Selling slower speeds

But small ISPs haven't had regulated access to those cabinets, meaning they have been limited to selling slower speeds than those offered by big phone companies.

The CRTC decision came in response to a filing by Cybersurf Corp, an independent ISP based in Calgary, in June.

Cybersurf had asked the regulator to force the phone companies to automatically offer matching speeds to small ISPs. The CRTC partially granted the request, requiring phone companies to offer faster speeds to wholesale ISPs but only when they sell them on a retail basis in a given area.

Bell's request came the same day MTS Allstream Inc. announced it had petitioned the federal cabinet to overturn a separate decision by the CRTC that excluded ethernet access from the list of essential facilities phone companies had to make available to competitors.

MTS said Thursday the decision puts smaller competitors at a competitive disadvantage when offering services to business customers.

"As it did for the wireless industry, the government can deliver the benefits of competitive market forces to all Canadian businesses by ensuring the CRTC uses smart regulation to prevent the de-regulated former monopolies from being able to raise prices with impunity," said MTS Allstream chief corporate officer Chris Peirce in a statement.
Tricky navigation

Telecom consultant Mark Goldberg said the two CRTC issues are distinct but both ultimately touch on broadband policy, and the CRTC's tricky navigation of two opposing viewpoints: whether levelling the playing field leads to competitive choice or stifles innovation and the expansion of networks.

MTS argued in its appeal the CRTC has refused to mandate former monopoly telephone companies to provide competitors with fair access to the local broadband networks, leading to higher prices for consumers.

But Bell took the opposite approach in its statement, saying the regulations create a disincentive for phone companies to expand their networks, and that this ultimately will hurt the economy.

Bell senior vice-president of regulatory affairs Mirko Bibic said "urgent" action was needed.

"The cabinet needs to act urgently to prevent the further damage to the Canadian economy that would result from a slowdown in investment in a sector crucial to all Canadians," he said in a statement.


meanwhile im in zone b and thoses fuckers cant even give me the basic sevice without switching me on a 5km from CO line after 8 months. im thinking about calling the cabinet myself. i have enough
proof, recordings, and the fact they got my money and they twisted my service i payed for and arent
giving a hell in the world about it and suggest i should move to an other compagny.
Update » cutterhead wrote on Sat Apr 4, 2009 @ 10:53pm
[ www.dslreports.com ]

[FR] Sympatico VS Colbanet (ADSL2+) Montréal

Voilà comme vous savez Colbanet [ ] lance le service ADSL2+ à Montréal et mon quartier sera déployé d'ici 3 semaines.

Pour info mon code postal commence par H3J, d'ailleurs quelqu'un aurait-il un lien pour voir les différentes zones postales sur une carte de Montréal ? Je n'ai trouvé que la correspondance H3H = centre ville etc... mais ça ne m'intéresse pas , ce qui m'intéresse c'est de visualiser les différentes zones.

Donc j'ai appelé Bell pour savoir si je pouvais suspendre mon compte sympatico malgré mon contrat de 12 mois, réponse positive avec une durée maximale de 6 mois et des frais de 10$ chaque mois à la place de 35$

Comme ça je vais pouvoir suspendre Sympatico pour pouvoir essayer Colbanet: stabilité des débits ( écroulement le soir ou pas), uptime, fiabilité, peering (très important pas envie de me retrouver avec des pings de plus de 100 ms pour les USA et la France), déconnexions (toutes les 8heures chez [ Inter.net ] ...

Donc si le test ne s'avère pas concluant, je retourne chez Sympatico dont je suis très satisfait.

Tout cela est possible car avant le 31 août 2006, l'installation est gratuite et il n'y a pas d'engagement .

Par contre j'ai peur d'une chose, c'est qu'il y ait des problèmes avec mon branchement (ou débranchement) de Sympatico à Colbanet et éventuellement dans l'autre sens en cas de problème.

Ma question: je n'ai pas de ligne de téléphone conventionnelle mais une ligne sèche, est ce que je peux utiliser celle que j'utilise actuellement pour me brancher chez Colbanet?

Est-ce qu'il serait possible d'en installer une deuxième pour séparer les deux? Est-ce que la deuxième ligne sèche serait sur le même fil, si oui est-ce que ça ne va pas causer des problèmes de bruit et donc de performances?

Feel free to answer in english ! I cannot write in english but I can understand easely.
to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-08-16 09:44:40 · Reply to this


Tu ne pourras pas a moin qu'il te branche sur un autre circuit telephonique car tout les service dsl passe par ca et a montreal c'est bell. Si ca passe par le meme circuit ils ne pourron pas car ton service de sympatico est "connecte" sur le circuit telephonique donc pas releasable tant que t'as pas carrement annuler le service avec sympatico. En passant jusqu'a maintenant les lignes seche dsl son exclusivement offert avec sympatico a moin que tout ca est changer recemment et bien tu pourras pas. Il faudrait que tu demande a la compagnie en question. Donne nous du feedback;)
to forum · permalink · 2006-08-16 14:43:56 · Reply to this

Toronto, ON reply to kun31
Can someone please post the english version to this conversation, we live in Canada not Quebec.

to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-08-16 15:04:23 · Reply to this

Toronto, ON
·Bell Sympatico
·Rogers Hi-Speed

August 16th, @03:44PM
They're asking if it's possible to have a new dry line installed so Bell doesn't disconnect his Sympatico service when he orders ADSL2+ through Colbanet.

kun31: »Primus TalkBroadband VoIP FAQ »DryLoopDSL (aka NakedDSL) and Porting POTS# to TBB
to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-08-16 15:24:58 · Reply to this

Canadair CT-114 Tutor
N of 49th
clubs: [Folding@Home]
·Bell Sympatico

reply to Leathal
said by Leathal See Profile :

Can someone please post the english version to this conversation, we live in Canada not Quebec.
Some Canadians speak both official languages rather than just one and we don't all live in Quebec either. That remark was pretty ignorant, even with a smilie.

However, here's a quick translation (I haven't taken the time to interpret it to perfect grammar):

As you may know, Colbanet is launching ADSL2+ service in Montreal and my neighbourhood will be deployed in three weeks.

As they are asking for your location via postal code, would anyone know where I might find a map of Montreal with the different postal code zones on it? I've found that H3H = downtown but that doesn't interest me - what does interest me is to find the different postal code zones.

I called Bell to see if I could suspend my Sympatico account in spite of my 12 month contract and got a response that I could suspend it for a maximum of 6 months for $10 per month in place of $35.

This way, I will suspend my Sympatico account to try ColbaNet: stability of download speeds (if it slows in the evening or not), uptime, reliability, peering (important as I dont' want to find myself with pings of more than 100 ms to the US and France), disconnections (every 8 hours with [ Inter.net ]

If it doesn't look good at the end of my testing, I'll return to Sympatico and be satisfied with the decision.

This is all possible before August 31st 2006 as there is no contract and installation is free.

In contrast, I'm worried about one thing: if there are problems with my connection (or disconnection) from Sympatico to Colbanet and eventually in the other direction if there are issues.

Would it be possible to install a second [access] to separate the two? Would the second dry pair be on the same wires, and if so would it not cause problems with noise and performance?
All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars
All of us do time in the gutter, dreamers turn to look at the cars -- Peart/Lee/Lifeson
Join Team Helix
to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-08-16 17:09:46 · Reply to this

Toronto, ON

said by Kardinal See Profile :

said by Leathal See Profile :

Can someone please post the english version to this conversation, we live in Canada not Quebec.
Some Canadians speak both official languages rather than just one and we don't all live in Quebec either. That remark was pretty ignorant, even with a smilie.
Thanks for the translation.

to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-08-16 17:34:36 · Reply to this

J9H 1xx

August 16th, @09:22PM
reply to kun31
Kun31, why wouldn't you just supply your postal code if Colbanet needs it?

Anyway, here is a link to a Canada Post pdf map of postal codes. Tu peut le trouver ausi en francais je pense.

[ www.canadapost.ca ]
to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-08-16 21:22:15 · Reply to this

Canadair CT-114 Tutor
N of 49th
clubs: [Folding@Home]
·Bell Sympatico

reply to kun31
kun31 See Profile, je pense que tu auras des problèmes si tu essais d'avoir un DSLAM de ColbaNet sure une ligne qui en a déjà avec Sympatico car je ne sais pas si tu mets ton compte en suspension que Bell enlevera votre DSLAM de Sympatico (parce si Bell faisais ça, vous pourriez rencotré une situation où le DSLAM est plein quand vous enlevez le suspension) Si tu veut eviter cette situation, commandez votre accès de ColbaNet sur une ligne sec au lieu du même ligne que votre accès Sympatico. Si ça marche bien, vous pouvez toujours essayer de le changer a votre ligne principale plus tard.

HeadSpinning See Profile travail a un FSI qui ont leurs propre DSLAM - il pourrait vous donner d'avis sage.

Bonne chance et reviens pour nous dire comment ça marche.

(SVP, excusez mon Français écrit - je l'utilise que rarement)


I think you might run into some problems if you try to get your ColbaNet DSLAM on the same line you already have Sympatico on as I don't know if they will remove the DSLAM when you suspend (because if they did you might run into a full DSLAM when you try to remove the suspension). If you want to avoid this situation, put the ColbaNet DSLAM on a dry loop and if it works well, look to move it to your main line later on.

HeadSpinning See Profile works at an ISP that has their own DSLAMs - he'd have better advice on this situation.

Good luck, and please come back to let us know how it works out.

[note to self: do not hit 'spell check' when writing in a language other than English ]
All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars
All of us do time in the gutter, dreamers turn to look at the cars -- Peart/Lee/Lifeson
Join Team Helix
to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-08-16 21:35:08 · Reply to this

suspending service


they dont remove the service you d still have sync. just your login wont work. they do this now for students and snowbirds to get around the costs associated in re provioning. you dont be able to get another dsl connection on a suspended line. a login would work, but i dont see what your trying to do working.
to forum · permalink · 2006-08-16 22:19:56 · Reply to this


·Bell Sympatico

August 16th, @11:13PM
reply to Kardinal
said by Kardinal See Profile :

Some Canadians speak both official languages rather than just one and we don't all live in Quebec either. That remark was pretty ignorant, even with a smilie.
Even though some speak both french and english your remark was just as ignorant as this is an english speaking board you are expected just like anyone to post in english only
To be or not to be is just a question its what you do that gives you the answer
to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-08-16 23:12:57 · Reply to this


Waterloo, ON Find it in the rules and quote that requirement please...
to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-08-16 23:55:55 · Reply to this

Powdered Toast Man

said by saltydogbran See Profile :

Find it in the rules and quote that requirement please...
what language are the rules in?
to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-08-17 00:14:09 · Reply to this

BSD geek
Anjou, QC

said by pwn2007 See Profile :

said by saltydogbran See Profile :

Find it in the rules and quote that requirement please...
what language are the rules in?
said by Leathal See Profile :

Can someone please post the english version to this conversation, we live in Canada not Quebec.

Do you guys even realize how DUMB That makes you look? This is the equivalent of the stupid racist comments you'd hear in the bible belt back in the 50's. At least that was the fifties... no one knew better. What's your excuse? You do realize that as a perfect bilingual person, I can go over to the rest of Canada and steal jobs from the likes of you in a heartbeat right? You have no reason to be so arrogant.

Back on the topic... does anyone know if/when such services will be available on a larger scale? I'm curious to know if Colba-net's accomplishments, given it is not exactly one of the larger ISPs in Quebec, indicate that we can start seeing more independants collocating some CO space so that we don't need to go through Bell necessarily.
Windows is the virus. Linux is the vaccine, FreeBSD is the CURE
to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-08-20 06:43:01 · Reply to this



reply to kun31

All dsl isp rent the the phone circuit at bell.

That mean any of those other ips dosen't deploy fiber or copper wire in the neighborhood.

That mean if your phone are crap. Will be the same with sympatico other isp. Went you put your account in suspension your line still in but you can't get access to internet because the authentication are denied due your account are suspended.

Bell also offer ADSL 2+ at bell it is named optimax.

If you would like tries the colbanet service need have the service on dry loop.
to forum · permalink · 2006-08-28 22:22:04 · Reply to this


Montreal, QC

August 29th, @12:58AM
reply to kun31
I'm not sure what that company is thinking, they're going head to head with Bell (so to speak) by rolling out ADSL2+ in some neighborhoods but they're still limited to the CO itself unless they have an agreement to install RDSLAMS which I highly doubt.

The end result? They "CAN" provide up to 24mbits if the subscriber is really close to the CO and by that I mean really close like less than 1 km, for the rest of people like me who are on the 1.7/800 profile Colbanet wont be able to give us faster speeds and that's what they're hoping.

Pure suicide to go head to head against Bell without substantial backing ($$$$), poor ColbaNet.
to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-08-29 00:56:54 · Reply to this


Montreal, QC But in my case I can consider the Colbanet's offer because my attenuation is not that high 26.5 db, I can expect at least 12 mbits and if I'm lucky 13 or 14.
to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-08-29 08:29:11 · Reply to this


Montreal, QC

October 10th, @11:00AM
reply to kun31
My ADSL2+ account will be activated on november 10th

For those who can understand french, you can listen two interviews of Francois Gagné who works for Colbanet:

[ ]

[ www.denis-talbot.com ]

COs equipped with ADSL2+ dslam by Colbanet are :
Atwater (mine )

Belmont is already activated, Atwater and Ontario :end of this month.
to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-10-10 09:50:27 · Reply to this


Anjou, QC

said by kun31 See Profile :

My ADSL2+ account will be activated on november 10th

For those who can understand french, you can listen two interviews of Francois Gagné who works for Colbanet:

[ ]

[ www.denis-talbot.com ]

COs equipped with ADSL2+ dslam by Colbanet are :
Atwater (mine )

Belmont is already activated, Atwater and Ontario :end of this month.
Just wondering if those DSLAM are colbanet's or Bell's since Bell is offering OPTIMAX to Montreal's phone number on their web site.

If Bell is offering Optimax they must be ready to deploy or very close to be ready. And since most providers use Bell lines and hardware between their servers and the customer it would be very expensive for them to put expensive hardware where Bell is going to put his own anyway that the provider can use.
to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-10-20 13:24:40 · Reply to this


join:2003-03-31 reply to kun31
The CRTC hasn't mandated that Bell open up their Optimax services to wholesalers.
to forum · permalink · [Encourage,Ignore,Watch] · 2006-10-20 18:35:02 · Reply to this

Toronto, ON So, now they have a monopoly on ADSL2?

Bell needs to die.
I'm feeling bofh right now..
Cbc Report On Bell Abuse , Bell Shit Part 2
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