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Bongs Over Bagdad
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Bunnytronix replied on Thu Mar 27, 2003 @ 7:15pm
Coolness: 153190
So people say you shouldn't protest violently, you shouldn't burn flags and what not...

So the only other way to protest is to not buy anything then.. right?

So, since I don't have any money what so ever... I've done my part...

Let's Dance now!


(No need to excuse my ignorance, it's far gone with my woryless youth. All discussions about war are plainly useless at our level, that's all)
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ontheroadagain replied on Thu Mar 27, 2003 @ 11:31pm
Coolness: 55015
[ ummmm....ca ] we still buy Canadian beer?

All those against the war should not go to work or school until we pull our troops out (think about half the nation shutting down)but we like to bitch and not give up anything....
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» mdc replied on Fri Mar 28, 2003 @ 12:21am
Coolness: 149495
we dont have any troops in iraq...
we have one (or two) frigate in teh persian gulf...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Fri Mar 28, 2003 @ 1:00am
Coolness: 340345
i'm going to protest by wiping my ass on an american flag then raising it upsidown.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ontheroadagain replied on Fri Mar 28, 2003 @ 2:06am
Coolness: 55015
afro...*conspirator voice* yaaaaaa i forgot

i meant Bob Hope and shit.....
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Fri Mar 28, 2003 @ 10:26am
Coolness: 67195

think carefully about what you just said

"I want to protest another nation by fucking up my nation who is also against the war in Iraq"


Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PitaGore replied on Fri Mar 28, 2003 @ 12:12pm
Coolness: 472485
I was freaked out the other day when i saw cops in the streets wearing camo pants ...
Thought that was because our army's so small and shitty ...
But i was way wrong ...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» BA_Baracus replied on Fri Mar 28, 2003 @ 12:45pm
Coolness: 121715
its a good idea to not buy products from companies that also build military products
so, i would think step #1 is to provide info regarding which companies have normal products, and also military divisions
the other thing is oil,
anyone who has an SUV should feel guilty about it,
if not then people should make them feel guilty

all economies are linked, although its dumb to screw with our own, to a certain degree theres no other choice, but the key i would think is to target specific companies and organizations...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PitaGore replied on Fri Mar 28, 2003 @ 3:39pm
Coolness: 472485
The thing is ; most small companies are the big one's own anyways....
Check out the Godspeedyoublackemperor's latest cd cover for some interesting details ...

For example ;if you buy a Celine Dion cd ; $$$ goes to Sony , then to a nuclear bomb company ...
Shit !
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» BA_Baracus replied on Fri Mar 28, 2003 @ 4:35pm
Coolness: 121715
damn, it would be nice if that info was more accessible and not so hard to find
if i organized protests, i would work on making all sorts of flyers with that info, and i d drop them all over the city in small planes (like the US is doing in iraq)
but instead i prefer to work on the bass revolution!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PitaGore replied on Fri Mar 28, 2003 @ 6:07pm
Coolness: 472485
Me too bro ...
We play music and throw parties for human's freedom ....
At least our own ..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» mdc replied on Fri Mar 28, 2003 @ 7:21pm
Coolness: 149495
the cop wearing camouflage wasnt an army thing... its a protest by the MOntreal Police to get better salaries... its a pressure tactic... they wont wear the uniform pants that theyre supposed to (the blue ones)
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ontheroadagain replied on Fri Mar 28, 2003 @ 7:45pm
Coolness: 55015

I would be forcing OUR country to pull OUR troops out....it's what we should do for any law the government tries to pass that we don't like.

Wanna see the PM move fast? All opposed strike and don't buy shit...ya it hurts our economy but gets shit done fast.

and Voidnull...shut the fuck up, i didn't make a 10 page business plan or do market research....it was a blurb

like many other ideas that get tossed around here....Does Peter Parker own a plane?...i don't know but i'm not gonna trash his idea

Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Sat Mar 29, 2003 @ 2:45am
Coolness: 67195
Pull our troops out of where?

There are 34 canadian troops on an exchange with the US military. Their location is unknown.

There are canadians in Afghanistan but that war was one of the necessary ones.

And no, I will not shut the fuck up. I hate people who want to harm people to get their message heard. I hate people who protest for peace with violence. I hate people who are willing to destroy their own country for bullshit reasons.

In anycase, boycotting companies that help the war machine is not necessarily a good idea because lets face it folks, war is necessary when fought for the right reasons. Bosnia and Afghanistan come to mind. In these cases, we need a strong war machine to defend ourselfs and to help others. Trust me, when you buy a CD from Celine Dion, you are NOT helping any country build a nuke, you are supporting the RIAA, the DMCA, the record label, and eventually the artist.

And as for people feeling guilty for owning an SUV. What a crock of shit. Untill viable alternatives are in place, the only way to travel is by car, which consumes gas from oil. What, you think taking the bus is any better? How about you protest the STM for not using the hydrocell engines in their busses and refuse to take the bus now. Please, go ahead and do that and we'll see how far you go on your bike or on your two feet. Wonder how long it'll take me to travel downtown on foot.

You people need to get a fucking clue and stop protesting for the wrong reasons. You wanna know why there is a war in Iraq? You think its over oil?

It's not. Why? Because from an economic standpoint, the US wouldn't make much money. If Iraqi oil flows freely again, it goes into the WORLD SUPPLY, not America's supply. And if the WORLD SUPPLY of oil goes UP, the price goes DOWN. So American companies wont make much money, especially not enough to cover the already $80 billion war, and the reconstruction afterwards.

The war in Iraq is an attempt to remove anti-americanism in the hopes that if no one is anti-american, there would be world peace. If there are two opposing sides, there is conflict, there is chaos, there is no peace. Eliminate one of those sides, and voila! Peace. One side is left, unopposed.

Think about it. George Bush declared Iraq, Iran, and North Korea to be the axis of evil. Those three coutries are the most out spoken anti american countries in the world.

This war isn't over money, it is an attempt to obtain world peace in a naziesque fashion. Kinda like how Ariel Sharon (prime minister of Israel) thinks that by eliminating the palestinians, Israel would be at peace.

Its naziesque. To remove an opposing view for the simple reason that is an opposing view.

[ www.newamericancentury.org ] - Note the members: Donald rumsfield, Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush. This is why the war in Iraq is happening. This is why America is acting tough all of the sudden. Of course, they use Sept 11th as an excuse, the same way Germany used the Treaty of Versailes as an excuse to take over europe.

Anyways, in order for protests to work, people need to get their facts straight. Just because System of a Down told you war is bad is not getting your facts straight. Educate yourselfs, your friends, then rally the troops. Protests work, protests have changed the world. But only those protests which protested the reality of the situation, not the fantasy.

I believe I have made my point...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» somekid replied on Sat Mar 29, 2003 @ 3:03am
Coolness: 85685
World Peace? what kind of crack are you smoking boy?

The reason for invading iraq are long and perverse they include; familly feuding, poor economy on the home front, wanting cheaper oil because the us economy runs on oil and the cheaper it is the more it cam produce for less. Bush is not behind the war he's just and x-cokehead alcoholic who had found god. He knows only what his dady's former cabinet(and cowincidently his cabinet) want him to know. The truth is that Saddam could have been kept down through other means. He was not a threat to the US they just made that shit up. I'm not saying that it's not a great think that he is being removed, infact I'm happy that yet another nation will live without the shadow of a millitary dictatorship. But lets not think that this will bring world peace not for a fuck second.

p.s. I don't actualy think your on crack, and I know I can't spell.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Sat Mar 29, 2003 @ 3:06am
Coolness: 67195

War is not helping the economy, it is hurting the economy. Cheaper oil? Maybe... But it wont solve america's economic problems.

Go to the new american century and read what it preaches. It's a nazieque dream of world peace.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» somekid replied on Sat Mar 29, 2003 @ 3:27am
Coolness: 85685
That was scary, talk about no respect for the UN.
but how many countries can they declair war with in the next two years. Lets see in the last year their have been 2, so that makes 4 more, shit.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ontheroadagain replied on Sat Mar 29, 2003 @ 2:44pm
Coolness: 55015

saying that there are only a few Canadian troops in Iraq is like a rapist saying "i only stuck my cock in her once or twice"(and yes, they are in Iraq, their "unknown" position is not Disneyland)

If Canada's stance is that we are not taking part in the war, we should have NO troops in Iraq. If we were part of the Coalition, then it would be different....oh, and i think we have a couple of floaty thingies over there that aren't lobster fishermen gone astray.

We know that most forms of protest do not work. Yes, public opinion can sometimes alter government decisions but most of the time it does nothing. If you can provide me with a list of protests and their outcomes (that actually stopped/changed a Canadian gov't decision...none of this "it opened our eye's" PR bullshit),I will be very happy...really...it'll give me hope.

I say hit them where it hurts...finacially. Hurting our own country financially to create change is better than doing things we know won't make a difference. Beside, our gov't hurts themselves with stupidity like pumping 1 billion into the Firearm Act instead of health care....

As for SUV's and such...I WALK....i walk a lot...i walk an hour when i want to go downtown. I walk 40 minutes to get to my best friends house, 40 minutes back (almost everyday) and was even doing it with a 40-60lb backpack when i needed to for work. When in Jasper, I would walk/bike 7 miles up a mountain to get to work.

World peace makes no sense by the way....if the entire world was The United World, we would have internal conflicts like there are already in the US only on a larger scale. What, no one dies or starves in the US? We are human and humans have different views on how shit should be run...

Until life is not governed by money, power struggles will be a fact of life....one nation or many.

And you said it yourself: "Its naziesque. To remove an opposing view for the simple reason that is an opposing view." Heil Bush...

And i didn't tell you to "shut the fuck up" because of your ideas, you are free to state your views. Don't resort to namecalling though...then i will tell you to shut up...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Sat Mar 29, 2003 @ 3:47pm
Coolness: 67195

Canadians were in the gulf after the first gulf war to prevent illegal iraqi oil exports. However, when canadian troops are on an EXCHANGE PROGRAM with the US military, those troops fall under US command, not Canadian command. It has absolutely nothing, nothing at all with the war in Iraq, it is just bad timing for them so get your facts straight kid.

As for protests, ghandi led a peaceful protest and brought in a lot of change. Indians protested in Canada and brought in a lot of change. The Oka Crisis was never meant to be a violent happening, it was indians defending their territory and resulted in much change. So again, get your facts straight kid.

As for walking, our population is somewhere around the 35 million mark. We NEED to export produts to other countries. So please, demonstrate how this would be possible without oil, based on our CURRENT infrastructure. Again, get your facts straight kid.

And in no way do I support the US's idealogies on how to obtain world peace, but lets face it. This is what they are trying to do. I again invite you to analyze the website I gave you. So please, get your facts straight.

Now as for hurting your own country to protest something thats going on in another country, well. I'm sorry but that really is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. There is a saying "Never shit in your backyard". This applies here. You honestly think that by trying to hurt your government, that the government will listen to you? You're a fool to think that.

People like you discredit the antiwar movement, discredit lawful dissent, and discredit the whole idea that the power of the people can create change. People like you purposefully try to ruin it for everyone else just so your individual point can be made. Have you stopped to think what your actions might do to your community? No, obviously you haven't. I am insulting you and your views because they are quite simply, idiotic, illogical, pointless, and puts me, my friends, my family, and everyone else at risk of being hurt, physically, economically, and otherwise. I am insulting your views because they hurt the idea that change is possible if people fight for it in a manner that will get governments to listen. Hurting the government will not get them to listen, it will make them pissed off and they will then invest time and effort to silience you.

Frankly, I find you selfish since you think that "oh, it doesn't matter if other people get hurt, it'll help the world!" And guess what is happening in Iraq kid. You're no better than the people in the american government who made the decision to bomb Iraq. Ironic isn't it?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Sat Mar 29, 2003 @ 3:56pm
Coolness: 67195
and one more thing.

Canada purposefully took their troops out of Iraq, and sent remaining military to Afghanistan to ensure that Canada wouldn't be part of the war in Iraq. So I say for the billionth time, GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT KID
Bongs Over Bagdad
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