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If You'Re Not Voting For The Bloc Quebecois Read This
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 6:23pm
Coolness: 130435
Dude, I don't think anyone wants to live in a country thats modelled after a place like Moldova, no offense to the Moldavians ;)

Communism was a failure, just look at history
I'm feeling bass heavy right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Teblchple7 replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 6:29pm
Coolness: 44990
Originally Posted By BLISSS

Dude, I don't think anyone wants to live in a country thats modelled after a place like Moldova, no offense to the Moldavians ;)

Communism was a failure, just look at history

And I can say with great certainty that the Moldovian's want a country much more than they want communism.

At least they are honest in finding ways of getting out of Ukrainian or Romanian assimilation.
I'm feeling belligerent right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 6:34pm
Coolness: 130435
Being assimilated by the ukranians, thats pretty rough

I support their struggle, still wouldn't want to live under a communist government though
I'm feeling bass heavy right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Teblchple7 replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 6:56pm
Coolness: 44990
Yeah, exactly. My take, summarized (sorry, I'm incoherent, nothing new about that)

* Canada ain't so bad

* There are ways to have an independant country if you really want one. Quebec's version was interesting in the 60's. The current version is bullshit and will never happen.

* Vote what you believe. If you believe in Bloc then go for it! Not me.
I'm feeling belligerent right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cutterhead replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 7:13pm
Coolness: 132310
Originally Posted By AWIANE

mario dumont is the biggest douche ive seen.
pauline marois just looks like a stupid rich-snob-whore
and jean charest looks like a young santa claus

vive la politique au quebec!

mais elle fait sortir le message

Originally Posted By basdini
Originally Posted By the.neoform
Originally Posted By basdini
there is no reason why quebec shouldn't be it's own country, english people (by this i mean canadians) are such hypocrites...

try this out sometime if you like...

ask a canadian (or just anybody you know who is against an independent quebec) if they believe that decolinisation and national self determination of peoples is good thing,
(for those who don't understand what these are here are some links that may help) [ en.wikipedia.org ]
[ en.wikipedia.org ]

chances are they will say yes, given that you can then ask them why shouldn't quebec be it's own country if the people want, watch and see the intellectual gymnastics they do to justify this to you, if at the end they can come up with any sort of truly cogent answer i'll be surprised, i've never heard one. Secretly deep down they will probably believe that National Self Determination of peoples only applies when it has no effect on them. If you can justify a country like say Kenya being independent from england and not being a colony then you seem to be forced to admit that Quebec should if it desires be an independent country. The funniest thing is when people try to justify things like how israel should be its own country for the jewish people but quebec shouldn't, try that, go ask an a hardcore israel supporter if they believe quebec should be allowed to be the independent homeland of the quebecois people, chances are (if you re in montreal) they'll say no, convienient how that works.

The truth of the matter for me at least is that i don't give flying fuck whether quebec is independent or not, either way, quebec will always be my home, no one can ever take that away from us, never forget that guys, if you are born in quebec, quebec belongs to you, end of story. Whether you consider yourself french, or english or like me in between somewhere (i'm mixed, my mom is from quebec and my dad's family comes from ireland) nobody ever has the right to say you don't belong, fuck them if they do, spit in their motherfucking face.

I make no apologies for being from quebec to other canadians, i am what am, and i love where i'm from, i love quebec, for better or worse, no matter how far i go from it, it will always be my home, I will die to protect this from anybody who ever wants to try to take it away from us or try to come and tell us how it should be in quebec, we decide how things should be here nobody elsegets a say, if outlanders don't like that they can fuck off cause it's just the way it is.

On a final note, when people ask me, given all of this, how i would vote in a future theoretical referendum, my answer is always the same, I don't vote so i don't care, whether quebec is in canada, it's own independent country or part of the larger NWO one world state (btw i think this is the most likely situation given everything that's happening in the world), Quebec and more specifically montreal is always gonna be my home, and nobody can take that away from me.

Because Quebec doesn't even want true independence. They want this half bullshit where they get to keep all the federal tax dollars, but keep all other existing infrastructure in place. It's a completely shallow attempt at a power grab on the part of the provincial government. Why not actually look into what the PQ really was suggesting when they had the last referendum. Not to mention the fact that half the population of Quebec is not interested in separating from Canada. Even if it was 50.1% it would not be right to actually separate as it would be shitting on literally half the population.

The aftermath of any such separation would be beyond detrimental to the Quebec economy. Virtually every major business would withdraw from Quebec, plunging the already poor economy into a depression.

Also, if Quebec has the right to separate from Quebec, this would validate any Aboriginal claims and would result in Quebec losing substantial amounts of land, not to mention that Montreal would then fight for its own "independence".

The entire federalist cause is beyond retarded as it would only result in massive problems for Quebec.

on the subject of whether quebec wants 'true' independence, it's interesting to note that duceppe said in 2006 that if they ever do it again (a referendum) that it's gonna be for a much more 'robust' conception of independence...

with regards to the idea that as you put it "Even if it was 50.1% it would not be right to actually separate as it would be shitting on literally half the population." sorry, but that's democracy, if you don't like it there are other forms of government that you could opt for like perhaps a monarchy or fascism where people don't vote at all.

on the subject of the economy, it may be true what you say, that the economy would suffer, but you do admit that there are some things that are more important than money, like what's right and wrong and things like justice and fairness, certainly we should take these things into consideration. Also it's important when we consider the subject of the economy (which, just so we are clear is not irrelevant in my mind) that even if it's true that the economy would suffer it wouldn't be necessarilly permanent.

finally on the call for partioning quebec itself, there may be some truth to this, certainly the native claims have some weight, whether or not montreal can be it's own country is a little bit more complicated, maybe a little harder to argue for given that strictly speaking montreal doesn't have it's own ethnic or cultural identity (that is, seperate from quebec and canada), though in principle i suppose there is nothing wrong with this.

one more point that i think needs to be addressed is the fact that you may not be aware of this but deep down the rest of canada hates us, really they do, especially in the west (alberta+bc). A lot of people in the rest of canada are openly calling for quebec to leave canada...crack open a newspaper from the west and you'll find regular editorials saying this. Canada's dream has always been, to assimilate/depopulate quebec of french speaking people and resettle it with english speaking people, they may pay lip service to accomadating the french people in canada by offering services in french or singing the national anthem in both languages but really that's just to placate us. This is why the school language laws exist, because it forces new immigrants to learn french, which i think is a good thing given the fact that there is a tidal wave of english speaking media so they will learn english either way. I think english speaking people and canadians lose sight of how important the french speaking thing is, the attitude of canadians seems to be "why can't they just speak english like the rest of us, what difference does it make".

If you stop to think about it though for second it starts to make a lot more sense. The Quebecois people have to take an attitude of "not one step back", if they lose their language they lose everything, their whole link to their culture and history is gone, so it's not stuborness or arrogance on their part, as some people naively assume, their whole identity is at stake here (for a similar example look at ireland, no one speaks gaellic anymore because england beat it out of them over the course of a few centuries, and now other than a slight accent what really distinguishes ireland from england, not a whole lot) If we lose the french thing in quebec we might as well be american because there won't be anything that distinguishes us from them. Canadians west of the rideau river spend so much time talking about how different they are from americans, people in quebec don't do that, the reason for this that we in quebec don't need to re assure ourselves that we are different, why? because we know we are.

avec les cannaux de communication, on va se faire encore moin dupee par les politiques conservatrice de subterfuge d'aberations et de detournement.

on se casse le cul a connaitre trois quatre langues, et a 200km a coter y sent crisse.

bonne raison que je me crisse deux aussi. on recolte ce que l'on seme.
Update » cutterhead wrote on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 7:26pm
sorry im backing off , i souldnt drop in your political opinions
I'm feeling 4.5kw 240vrms 45a right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» v.2-1 replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 8:13pm
Coolness: 159835
way tl;dr
I'm feeling fallout 3 right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mico replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 8:15pm
Coolness: 151175
they're good posts, though.
I'm feeling cool right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» v.2-1 replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 8:18pm
Coolness: 159835
Originally Posted By MICO

they're good posts, though.

Yeah I know, I'll deal with my raging headache first and see about reading that after. It does look very interesting.
I'm feeling fallout 3 right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 8:56pm
Coolness: 340380
Originally Posted By BASDINI

with regards to the idea that as you put it "Even if it was 50.1% it would not be right to actually separate as it would be shitting on literally half the population." sorry, but that's democracy, if you don't like it there are other forms of government that you could opt for like perhaps a monarchy or fascism where people don't vote at all.

Sorry, that's not democracy. Democracy is a vague concept of majority rule. This of course is not stringent or required. Often laws can be passed based on slim majorities, but in any robust legal system, a slim majority is not enough to instill new laws or change. Look at the United States for example. a simple majority is not enough to make a new law. Instead it needs a majority in both house and senate, then needs approval from the president. If however in the house or senate, there is less than 60% in favor, the new law can be delayed and discussed further. In the case of fundamental shifts in law, where the constitution of the United States is to be changed, 75% of both the house and senate is require as well as 3/4 of the states must all be in favor of the new constitutional amendment. Why? Because it's a MASSIVE change. Most small laws can be passed and easily overturned by the courts at a later date, which is why a simply 60% is sufficient, and in some lucky cases, 51%. None of these laws are permanent however. In the case of a province succeeding from the country, we're talking about a ground shaking change; 50.1% approval is absolutely and unquestionably unacceptable as a means to decide.

It would be immoral for a government to make such a radical change in the lives of it's constituents with a mere 50.1% majority. Think about it, your forcing the entire population of Quebec to change their nationality when half of it doesn't want to. Are you so selfish that you would force one out of every two Quebecers to do something against their will?

Originally Posted By BASDINI

on the subject of the economy, it may be true what you say, that the economy would suffer, but you do admit that there are some things that are more important than money, like what's right and wrong and things like justice and fairness, certainly we should take these things into consideration. Also it's important when we consider the subject of the economy (which, just so we are clear is not irrelevant in my mind) that even if it's true that the economy would suffer it wouldn't be necessarilly permanent.

Without a functioning economy we would be worse off than Mexico. The majority would slip below the poverty line and Quebec would become a thirt world country requiring aid. In order to stave off such problems, the government would whore out it's lands and destroy all it's national resources just to stay afloat. This is a terrible way to go.

Originally Posted By BASDINI

finally on the call for partioning quebec itself, there may be some truth to this, certainly the native claims have some weight, whether or not montreal can be it's own country is a little bit more complicated, maybe a little harder to argue for given that strictly speaking montreal doesn't have it's own ethnic or cultural identity (that is, seperate from quebec and canada), though in principle i suppose there is nothing wrong with this.

Who's being the judge of this? Are you saying Montrealers are the same as every other Quebecer? Have you been to other cities in this province? This is a totally bogus claim with no foundation.

Originally Posted By BASDINI

one more point that i think needs to be addressed is the fact that you may not be aware of this but deep down the rest of canada hates us, really they do, especially in the west (alberta+bc). A lot of people in the rest of canada are openly calling for quebec to leave canada...crack open a newspaper from the west and you'll find regular editorials saying this. Canada's dream has always been, to assimilate/depopulate quebec of french speaking people and resettle it with english speaking people, they may pay lip service to accomadating the french people in canada by offering services in french or singing the national anthem in both languages but really that's just to placate us. This is why the school language laws exist, because it forces new immigrants to learn french, which i think is a good thing given the fact that there is a tidal wave of english speaking media so they will learn english either way. I think english speaking people and canadians lose sight of how important the french speaking thing is, the attitude of canadians seems to be "why can't they just speak english like the rest of us, what difference does it make".

This is tripe. If the rest of Canada really did want Quebec to separate, then there would be nothing standing in the way, we'd have done it back in 1980.

French language laws harm French students more than anyone. Now in Quebec (outside of Montreal) we have tons of people entering the workforce who can't speak a word of English. Mission Accomplished.. right? Guess what, every single major company does business with the rest of Canada and the US. If you can't speak English, you can kiss that business goodbye. Bill 101 has help English speaking students learn french, and have resulted in nicely bilingual students, but has done nothing but harm everyone else.

Originally Posted By BASDINI

If you stop to think about it though for second it starts to make a lot more sense. The Quebecois people have to take an attitude of "not one step back", if they lose their language they lose everything, their whole link to their culture and history is gone, so it's not stuborness or arrogance on their part, as some people naively assume, their whole identity is at stake here (for a similar example look at ireland, no one speaks gaellic anymore because england beat it out of them over the course of a few centuries, and now other than a slight accent what really distinguishes ireland from england, not a whole lot) If we lose the french thing in quebec we might as well be american because there won't be anything that distinguishes us from them. Canadians west of the rideau river spend so much time talking about how different they are from americans, people in quebec don't do that, the reason for this that we in quebec don't need to re assure ourselves that we are different, why? because we know we are.

Clinging to a Language like this is just as retarded as clinging to religion. It makes you feel safe without any logical reason. Half my family is french, and every one of them has absolutely no problems with speaking english, nor do they feel even slightly threatened by the English language. English is the second most spoken language on the planet and the most common second language. Acting like your language defines your culture is beyond stupid. English doesn't define me nor does anyone else in Canada or the US think that it does, it's merely a tool for communication.
I'm feeling pompous right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Masa replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 9:13pm
Coolness: 159485
tl;dr, or nearly so.

But a few comments:
1. Yes neo, what passes as democracy everywhere IS majority rule. In that respect, Canada is not much worse than the US, constitutional amendments require ratification by at least 7 provinces totaling at least 50% of the pop. Some do better, Switzerland for example holds referendum for every little law passed and requires 60% "approval", IIRC.

Real "democracy" doesn't exist. Nice ideal, not really viable. Closest system would actually be anarchy, and that is also not viable, for the same reasons: way too many people.

2. Quebec DOES have a functioning economy. Somewhat diverse, at least more so than some other provinces. I'm not arguing the fact that Quebec would lose by separation, it's a given, and I hope most separatists are aware of that fact. Sadly, I've met a few who don't.

Thing is, we've got a French-speaking population that also understands, and can communicate in, English. I say that's a strength, not a weakness.

3. Communication HAS TO DO WITH culture, IMHO. And you're a friggin' douche for comparing language with religion.

Be that way, I'm glad to be able to understand both, and I truly enjoy the privilege. Notwithstanding all the others I wish to learn/understand/speak more of.
I'm feeling re-1up'ed right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 9:19pm
Coolness: 340380
We do not have a bilingual population. Only in Montreal do Quebecers speak both English and French.
I'm feeling pompous right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Masa replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 9:25pm
Coolness: 159485
Heh. I haven't been ALL AROUND Quebec, and people in Montreal are more prone to speak both languages (and evidently more fluently), but you're an ass for thinking that the people of Quebec can't learn to speak such an easy language.

Hell, it's mandatory at the elementary level these days.
I'm feeling re-1up'ed right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» xbsd replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 9:42pm
Coolness: 77460
pauline marois c pas elle qui s'est fait construire une toilette spéciale a coté de son bureau a 3 quart de million de dollar pour pas qu'on l'entende chié ?

jvoterai jamais pour cte greluche la!
I'm feeling vroum vroum right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cutterhead replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 9:58pm
Coolness: 132310
when everything fails, question the basics of the converation.

contrary to some weird places out west, here everybody born after 1980 are bilingual.

ask a single sentence in english to a kebeker (else your pronouncing CE witch is a non conformity to our language) and he will answer you right away.

ask the same thing to an square head in french he will look at you like your a moron until you ask him in his language. (square head being a poilte englishman)

so yea , here have your country laws away from our country laws, its how it works in the plains.

ill vote block all the way baby (vote 3d not square lol)
I'm feeling 4.5kw 240vrms 45a right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mico replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 10:12pm
Coolness: 151175
Language is a major part of ones cultural identity. I won't go ahead and say that French-Canadians should reject English entirely, because that's just dumb, because English, as you said Neoform, is the international business language, and is pretty much a necessity if you want to work in the world today. Even my cousins in France are dying to practice their English to advance in business, but that doesn't mean that French-Canadians, or any peoples, should forfeit their language just because the majority of those around them speak a certain dialect. I believe that language goes a holds a lot of weight when it comes to defining ones culture.

I agree with a lot of what you have to say, Neoform, but you go to another country that doesn't speak your language, and you'll see how much English will define you as a member of your culture (that culture being (related to) Anglo-Saxon).
I'm feeling cool right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Teblchple7 replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 10:15pm
Coolness: 44990
Le bloc, la nouvelle bourgeoisie. Ca parles, ca boit du vin, ca fait rien. Pire, "Un pays comme les autres" i.e. un pays pouri comme celui qu'on a deja.


Axe 7:
[ www.quebecsolidaire.net ]

And one final troll for good measure:

* Country of Cyprus (hint, elected a communist governement in 2008)
* Gilles Duceppe 1960s (hint, was a communist, back when he got shit done)

Ideas, everything. Language, not much. Dernier post dans ce thread pour moi. Peace.
I'm feeling belligerent right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mico replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 10:18pm
Coolness: 151175
You're right. This election is about Liberals getting majority, not language.
I'm feeling cool right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» basdini replied on Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 11:56pm
Coolness: 145915
"Sorry, that's not democracy. Democracy is a vague concept of majority rule. This of course is not stringent or required. Often laws can be passed based on slim majorities, but in any robust legal system, a slim majority is not enough to instill new laws or change. Look at the United States for example. a simple majority is not enough to make a new law. Instead it needs a majority in both house and senate, then needs approval from the president. If however in the house or senate, there is less than 60% in favor, the new law can be delayed and discussed further. In the case of fundamental shifts in law, where the constitution of the United States is to be changed, 75% of both the house and senate is require as well as 3/4 of the states must all be in favor of the new constitutional amendment. Why? Because it's a MASSIVE change. Most small laws can be passed and easily overturned by the courts at a later date, which is why a simply 60% is sufficient, and in some lucky cases, 51%. None of these laws are permanent however. In the case of a province succeeding from the country, we're talking about a ground shaking change; 50.1% approval is absolutely and unquestionably unacceptable as a means to decide.

It would be immoral for a government to make such a radical change in the lives of it's constituents with a mere 50.1% majority. Think about it, your forcing the entire population of Quebec to change their nationality when half of it doesn't want to. Are you so selfish that you would force one out of every two Quebecers to do something against their will?"

notice something about your examples here, you re taking the situation of voting in a legislature and trying to extrapalate it to a direct democratic question posed to the people itself (that's the definition of a referendum), you can't really do this, if you could you would have to accept as reasonable that if the PQ got a massive majority in the legislature after an election that they could just vote on the subject of quebec seperation from canada and that would settle it, no one would accept this and rightly so. If you want say that if quebec has to hold a referendum and the result has to be higher than an arbitrary number like say 75% rather than 50%+ 1 vote, then that idea is so anti democratic I barely know where to start. Think about it for a second, if you re saying that for something to pass it needs to have a majority of greater than 50% you are implicitly saying that a minority of people should or could decide the fate a majority. Take our example of 75%, your saying that 75% of people need to vote yes for it to pass, you re equally saying (though you may not realise it) only 25% of the people need to vote against it (vote no) for it not to pass...In this way the smaller group of people have decided the fate of the larger group of people, this is what is known as a 'tyranny of the minority' [ en.wikipedia.org ] and it's so anti democratic it's not even funny, it's also widely understood to vastly pervert the democratic process. Think about this, there were recently in the US a whole mess of balot innitiatives (which are basically a referendum) that went on (a lot of them about gay marriage) not a single one employed any standard higher than 50%, that's because everyone recognises it would be wrong to do so.

Another thing to consider about this is that in some senses it's totally arbitrary to say that any particular side in a debate needs to have more than 50%. You could say in our case then why couldn't we flip it arround and say that 75% of people need to vote no to keep quebec in canada, this no more fair but equally arbitrary. You might say that the people who want to change things should have to be held to a higher standard, but this unfairly slants things for the status quo, there is no reason why you couldn't say that people who want to keep things the same should be held to the higher standard. In a democracy we shouldn't unfairly put the burden of proof on any side by asking for more than 50%. Doing this creates what's known as a built in bias for a position and is universally recognised as being counter to the spirit of democracy. (If anyone is interested in this type of thing there is a really good book about it called 'Democracy and its Critics' by a guy called Robert Dahl [ www.gotterdammerung.org ]

(wow that was much longer than i wanted it to be, whatever, let's move on to some of your other points)

"Who's being the judge of this? Are you saying Montrealers are the same as every other Quebecer? Have you been to other cities in this province? This is a totally bogus claim with no foundation."

culturaly quebec is more a unit than montreal, because outside of montreal ethnically most people are pretty much the same (we can see this when we do comparitive genetic analysis, as far as genetic material is concerned quebec outside of montreal is pretty homogenist) you can't say the same about montreal. The other thing is that in terms of language quebec outside of montreal is again pretty homogenist (mostly french), where as montreal isn't at all (you english, arabic, chinese and probably others i don't even know about). My point was that given these two things it's much easier to say that quebecers are distinct people than to say people in montreal all are. Again though, nothing in principle prevents you from saying that the people in montreal constitute a distinct people and that the idea of National Self Determination applies.

"This is tripe. If the rest of Canada really did want Quebec to separate, then there would be nothing standing in the way, we'd have done it back in 1980"

Nobody in the rest of canada has had a vote in the referendums. I'm sorry neoform, but to be honest i can't even follow what your trying to say here...The rest of canada really does hate us, it varries in intensity from province to province (it's the lowest in the maritimes and the highest in alberta) but that they don't like us that much is clear. The reason they hate us is because of the referendums, because we've had them. Their attitude is something along the lines of "Canada is the greatest country in the world, why wouldn't you want to be part of canada. You don't want to be part of canada? fine! GET THE FUCK OUT THEN, WE DON"T WANT YOU? Some commentators have called this 'spurned lover syndrome'. It's funny cause sometimes people out here will be talking politics with me and the subject of quebec will come up, and i'll start pushing them, trying get them to say things that are so retarded and even racist, like " yeah, fuck the french and fuck quebec, they should just seperate" right before i leave i say "oh yeah by the way guys i'm from quebec..." They don't like this at all, it's funny what people will say if they think you are one of "them" (they can't really tell cause i don't have an accent or anything) rather than the people they are against. ( a really good book about how the rest of canada may actually want us to seperate is 'Time to Say Goodbye: Building a Better Canada Without Quebec by Reed Scowen [ www.chapters.indigo.ca ]

lastly let's address this point, because i think it's the most serious

"Clinging to a Language like this is just as retarded as clinging to religion. It makes you feel safe without any logical reason. Half my family is french, and every one of them has absolutely no problems with speaking english, nor do they feel even slightly threatened by the English language. English is the second most spoken language on the planet and the most common second language. Acting like your language defines your culture is beyond stupid. English doesn't define me nor does anyone else in Canada or the US think that it does, it's merely a tool for communication."

this just validates everything i said about assimilation, ie. "why can't they just speak english like the rest of us, what difference does it make". Language does define our culture, what would germany be without german. And English does define you, it puts you in the larger family of Anglo Saxon cultures (along with australians, new zealanders etc) Being able to speak english gives you access to all things culturally english going back to shakespear and geoffrey chaucer just like speaking french gives access to everything going back past Voltaire. I will grant you that it is not the only thing which determines cultures, other things are at play like shared history and customs, but language is so important, it is so wraped up in how you see the world and yourself. I think it's really convienient for you to say this because you don't have to change anything at all, where as the french speaking people have to change everything. Clinging to a language isn't illogical anymore than clinging to your identity is illogical. Your native language really does make you who you are in certain sense. I just have to know will you be learning chinese and teaching your children chinese, i doubt it. Language is so much more than a communication tool.


your move neoform
I'm feeling surly right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mico replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 12:30am
Coolness: 151175
Originally Posted By BASDINI

I think it's really convienient for you to say this because you don't have to change anything at all, where as the french speaking people have to change everything. Clinging to a language isn't illogical anymore than clinging to your identity is illogical. Your native language really does make you who you are in certain sense. I just have to know will you be learning chinese and teaching your children chinese, i doubt it. Language is so much more than a communication tool.

*Applaudes* I love you guys.
I'm feeling cool right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Blisss replied on Wed Nov 19, 2008 @ 12:41am
Coolness: 130435
Originally Posted By BASDINI

I just have to know will you be learning chinese and teaching your children chinese, i doubt it.

Actually it would be probably be a very smart move to teach your kids chinese, especially in this day and age
I'm feeling bass heavy right now..
If You'Re Not Voting For The Bloc Quebecois Read This
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