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Relief In A Powder....
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» greatjob replied on Fri Feb 28, 2003 @ 5:41pm
Coolness: 283215
SEMEN- "Alex, did you shave your balls? If ther're itchy, why don't you put some Gayben on them?"

Golden, just golden.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Fri Feb 28, 2003 @ 5:54pm
Coolness: 686350
Aaaah, what a great feeling. I love the way TRIPLE ACTION GOLD BOND MEDICATED POWDER makes my balls tingle.

Fellas, if you haven't tried it by now, you are missing out. Initially used as a fast-action relief for swamp ass, I quickly discovered the bonus pleasure of Gold Bond when I decided to go nuts and rub it all over my nuts.

Man, what a product. The ball tingle is a great feeling on a hot summer day. And let me tell you, Johnson and Johnson's Baby Powder does not match up at all.

"Gold Bond Medicated Powder is a blend of two medically proven ingredients, combined with the finest powder and essential oils…", claims the product's website. I don't know what the two proven ingredients are, but I bet you the powder is magical pixie dust. I bet Chattem, Inc. (the makers of Gold Bond) run around in secret magical forests and hunt down naked pixie chics and yell, "Give me your secret dust so my balls can tingle!"
Then they sell it to us to rub on ourselves.

The site also claims that it, "keep(s) you feeling COOL, DRY, AND COMFORTABLE all day long." That may be true, but the real reason we use it is so we can increase our chances of getting head.
Think about it. If you know you're nuts have been covered in Gold Bond, providing a "cool, refreshing feeling" leaving your skin "feeling soft and smooth" as opposed to smelling like a dirty rotten crotch, you'll feel more compelled to wag them in some girl's face. And since your swamp ass odor has been replaced with "deodorant protection", your chances of getting a knobber are much better.

Apparently the powder also provides "RELIEF OF PAIN AND ITCH" due to rashes, minor skin irritations and cuts, scrapes and burns, among others. So, if that Taiwanese hooker you visited last Thursday left you with some "remember me by's", try it for that as well.

"Available in Regular and Extra Strength."
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» daFTWin replied on Fri Feb 28, 2003 @ 6:09pm
Coolness: 277195

Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» greatjob replied on Fri Feb 28, 2003 @ 7:44pm
Coolness: 283215

Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» da_instagatah replied on Fri Feb 28, 2003 @ 8:07pm
Coolness: 144990
thats so fucken incredibly lame.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Unknown User replied on Fri Feb 28, 2003 @ 8:54pm
Coolness: 15440
what was that
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» da_instagatah replied on Fri Feb 28, 2003 @ 8:57pm
Coolness: 144990
omg i just saw your avatar.

its so cute...

donate what though?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Unknown User replied on Fri Feb 28, 2003 @ 9:00pm
Coolness: 15440
Prob organs
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» da_instagatah replied on Fri Feb 28, 2003 @ 9:01pm
Coolness: 144990
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» eLDee replied on Sat Mar 1, 2003 @ 12:11pm
Coolness: 121675
That was actually funny

step 1- Ignorance
step 2- Denial
step 3- Anger
step 4- Regret
step 5- Suicide
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Sat Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:30pm
Coolness: 142125
I agree about the Gold Bond, it feels good on the nards, nice and reliving...what the fuck is so lame about Gold bond,,,really??? flaphead
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Sat Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:31pm
Coolness: 686350
I love gold-bonding my sack and grundle.

It's so relieving.

on another note, I just caught on to your nick/avatar.


Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Sat Mar 1, 2003 @ 3:39pm
Coolness: 142125
i tea bag my balls in gold bond
Relief In A Powder....
Page: 1
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