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Title:whats the deal with penguins
Posted On:2006-02-09 00:00:00
Posted By:» theCatsAss
Seriously now people, you cant be falling for this. Look at your average penguin, most of you think cute and cuddly.Not So. They are the picture of true evil. They walk around with their "look at me, im a bird that doesnt fly, hrr hrr hr im so coool" but they are not. I've been studying these "penguins" for years and I have come to one conclusion. Now you might want to stop here if you dont want to hear the outcome of this. Because as we all know ignorance is bliss right... Alright back to the subject at hand.

Ok, penguins as we all know love the cold. They pretty much cant live with out it. That is why for decades they have been building a large machine to slowly cover the earth in snow. They have completed about 50 percent of the machine. Thats why it only snows down to the virginia line. But soon, and i warn you, soon they will have this "doomsday device" complete. And when they do finish, they will be able to just ski down (or snowboard depending on the personality of the penguin) and catch us, with our pants down. Then the world will be plunged into a war that we cannot win. So please I urge you. Dont think they are cute. Dont think they are harmless. Please feed all of them to the killer whales for that is their only weekness. And if we really want to defuse this evil plan we will get to work equipping all of the killer whales with freakin laser beams on their heads. thank you for listening it might just save all of our lives.........

i know there are errors in my thought dont do drugs kids...
Member Comments
» earthyspirit said @ Mon Feb 20, 2006 @ 6:11pm
what happens when the poles shift. if the north pole moves to montreal?
» RaVe said @ Fri Feb 17, 2006 @ 11:14pm
I'm with the penguins! Maybe if they cover the USA's of snow, we will never have any problems with them, let's make friends with them! :D
» Nro said @ Tue Feb 14, 2006 @ 11:26pm
Good News! We are already fighting the evil penguins with the weapon we call ¨Global Warming¨. Sweat this you naughty penguins!
» Sicatrix said @ Sat Feb 11, 2006 @ 10:58am
» theCatsAss said @ Thu Feb 9, 2006 @ 12:47pm
just reread this mornin... man can i rant when im fucked up...
» cvxn said @ Thu Feb 9, 2006 @ 11:58am
Bah, it's ok, I love cold too ;) I'm with the pengiuns muhahahah!