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Title:You Gotta Know When To Walk Away...
Posted On:2006-02-07 00:00:00
Posted By:» trashandsuicide
This little rant has been spinning around in my all too active head for quite some time now, and I'm not entirely sure if it bears being brought into solid form right away, but I figure, hey, I should get this off my chest. If for no other reason then to let some of this stuff out of my head. So, without further ado, here we go.

Relationships... are tricky. Now, I'm not talking about only romantic ones, although, the source of much of my angst and bitterness does indeed stem from a failed romance. I'm talking about literally ANY relationship that you form with another human being.

To put it in simple terms, any relationship is fundamentally built upon giving and taking. You give certain things to a relationship, and you take out others. For instance, in a serious romantic involvement, you tend to give all of yourself, your time, your energy, your love, your money, EVERYTHING, to another person. And, in all fairness, you sort of expect the same in return, what you take from a relationship should ideally be at LEAST equal to what you put in.

If the relationship is only friendly, then the same principle goes, you offer your friendship and company in exchange for the same from the other person.

However, things tend to get a little fucked up when one person STOPS holding up their end of the relationship. The simple solution is mathematical: If the amount of enjoyment coming out of a relationship is less then desired, attempt to rectify, and if attempts fail, terminate the relationship.

The problem here though is that little middle bit "attempt to rectify". I mean, we assume that when you entered into a given relationship, you got something in return, a good friend, a lover, whatever. I mean, why else would you be in a relationship? But what happens when that something diminishes, or vanishes completely? Of course, its only natural to want to get it back, and to a certain extent, by all means, try your damndest! If you can find something in that person that you thought was lost, then good for you.

But what do you do when you keep trying.. month after month.. being the better person, still giving all your energies to this relationship and not even getting the slightest bit of repayment for your troubles? I don't care how into this person you are, one-sided love can't spell happiness no matter how hard it tries.

If you're not getting what you want from a relationship, maybe its time to let that relationship go, significant other, friend, relative even... nobody is worth wasting yourself on. Trust me, there's plenty of other people in the world who would LOVE to be your friend or go out with you... honestly.

Now, if only I could follow my own advice, and just... walk away from that empty hole that I seem to pour my own energies into... enough is enough...

Member Comments
» Mico said @ Wed Jun 28, 2006 @ 9:48pm
Very wise, Keith. I should follow that advice myself... "Je t'aime, moi non plus." ;)
» FreeLotus said @ Mon Apr 10, 2006 @ 5:12pm
Yes, you really should listen to yourself:P ..interesting article, I compleatly agree.
» PoiSoNeD_CaNdY said @ Sat Feb 18, 2006 @ 6:53am
Nice article. I think what you're touching on is the "norm of reciprocity" that defines human relationships; to put it bluntly, what it amounts is to "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours". If your willing to give someone love, emotional support, commitment, and so forth, you hope (even expect) those things in return. And if that person is unable or unwilling to return those things, but you keep on giving, then it allows that person to "cheat" by violating the norm of reciprocity. Why scratch your back, when you'll scratch mine anyways?
» theCatsAss said @ Thu Feb 9, 2006 @ 4:43am
i say just fuck till your dick falls off....
» AlienZeD said @ Wed Feb 8, 2006 @ 2:52pm
Love isn't that simple though. I believe one sided relationships can survive as long as both parties care enough to prolong the relationship. When it's obvious that someone loves the other one more, most people would allow this to ruin the relationship. I've found that rather than allowing this, there are little things one can do to make both people feel like they are loved just as much. For example: 'I love you' -'I love you more'. becomes 'I love you' -'You know it baby, let's have sex.'
» X_Sasha_X said @ Tue Feb 7, 2006 @ 5:17pm
Well said!! Ive beein in one way relationships before and it SUCKS!! you end up regretting everything after ... About Love, let me add my lil something to this: I would never say to somebody "I love you" just like that.... you know your in love when you can share anything and everything with the person without beeing judged, when you can be yourself, that the love is unconditionnal and when, if the person ever leaves you, that he or she will take a part of you with him or her. Relationships are a foundemental part of a human devellopement, without a wealthy social life, a person will often creep into solitude and depression... and most often feel like a rotten piece of shit. Thats why its important to stay united and always have somebody u can count on or talk to in need, having friends is my life's blessing :) whats yours?
» RAD said @ Tue Feb 7, 2006 @ 10:49am
The defenition of love differs for every person, especially between guys and girls. I know for a fact that my view of love is quite narrow. For example, in order to REALLY love someone, I must not be expecting anything in return. If not, my love becomes selfish or greedy. But we are left with your one-sided relationship problem. Yes, you indeed have a exelent solution. One that I have a difficulty to make myself. That is why I searched for another solution... ATTRACTION: It's a emotion, one that is irrisistable to your female partner. If she is attracted to you, there is nothing that anyone can say that will convince her otherwise, and of course, if she dosen't then no mater what you say or how much LOVE you give she will not feel the same about you. The good news is that YOU can create that emotion with little effort. Here is a trick: Let your ego go, don't try to rectify anything, don't expect anything in return (effort) and show her a great time! If you do this right, she might be mistyreously in love with you again?! I hope this helps... Cheers!