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Title:the real Kali, Mama
Posted On:2006-01-06 00:00:00
Posted By:» moondancer

Goddess Kali Ma - Liberator of Souls - Destroyer of Negativity

The Goddess Kali Ma is the supreme feminine manifestation of compassion as she frees us from the prison of our own ego.


The name Kali derives from the Sanskrit root word Kal meaning time. Nothing escapes from time. Her Tibetan Buddhism counterpart is named Kala, a male figure. Of the Hindu goddesses, Goddess Kali Ma is the most misunderstood. The Encyclopedia Britannica is very mistaken in this quote, "Major Hindu goddess whose iconography, cult, and mythology commonly associate her with death, sexuality, violence, and, paradoxically in some of her later historical appearances, motherly love."

It is partially accurate to say the Goddess Kali Ma is a goddess of death. However, She brings the death of the ego as the delusional self-centered view of reality. Nowhere in the sriptures is She seen killing anything but demons nor is She associated exclusively with the process of human dying like Yama the Hindu god of death. Both Goddess Kali Ma and Shiva are said to inhabit cremation grounds and devotees often go to these places to meditate. The purpose is not to glorify death but to overcome the I-am-the-body idea. The cremation grounds reinforce the idea that the body is a temporary. Kali and Shiva are said to dwell in these places because it is our attachment to the body that gives rise to the ego. Kali and Shiva give liberation by dissolving the illusion of the ego. Thus we are the ever-existing I AM and not the impermanent body. This is emphasized by the scene in the cremation grounds.

Out of all the Devi forms, Kali is the most compassionate because She provides moksha or liberation to Her children. She is the counterpart of Shiva. They are the destroyers of unreality. When the ego sees Mother Kali it trembles with fear because the ego sees in Her its own eventual demise. An individual who is attached to his/her ego will not be able to receive the vision of Mother Kali and She will appear in a fear invoking or "wrathful" form. A mature soul who engages in spiritual practice to remove the illusion of the ego sees Mother Kali as very sweet, affectionate, and overflowing with incomprehensible love for Her children.

Ma Kali wears a garland made of 52 skulls and a skirt made of dismembered arms because the ego comes out of identification with the body. In fact, we are beings of spirit and not flesh. So liberation can only prevail when our attachment to the body comes to an end. Therefore, the skirt and garland are trophies worn by Her to represent the liberation of Her children from attachment to the finite body. In two of Her hands, She holds a sword and a freshly severed head that is dripping blood. This represents a great battle in which she defeated the demon Raktabija. Her black (or sometimes dark blue) skin represents the womb of the unmanifest from which all of creation is born and into which all of creation will eventually return. Goddess Kali Ma is depicted as standing on a white skinned Shiva who is lying beneath Her. His white skin is in contrast to Her black or sometimes dark blue skin. He is showing a blissful detached look on His face. Shiva is pure formless awareness sat-chit-ananda (being-consciousness-bliss) while She represents "form" eternally sustained by the underpinning of pure awareness.

Through ignorance of the story behind Goddess Kali Ma it is easy to misinterpret Her symbolism. In the same way one could say that Christianity is a religion of destruction, death, and cannibalism in which the followers drink the eat the flesh of Jesus and drink his blood. Of course, we know this is not the correct way to understand the communion sacrament.

Associating sexuality to Mother Kali is not founded in the traditional understanding of Her. In the Hindu stories, there is nothing that associates Her with sexuality. It is just the opposite. Kali is one of the few Goddesses who is celibate and practicing renunciation!

The idea that She is the goddess of death, sex and violence is simply not true. When we study the life of the great saint Ramakrishna or the great poet saint Ramprasad (both famous Kali worshippers), or listen to traditional Hindu devotional songs to Goddess Kali Ma, there is no suggestion of this death-sex-violence idea. This can also be substantiated by going to any of the Hindu websites such as www.hindunet.com and reading about Her. Anyone sincerely interested in Mother Kali should read the book Kali: The Black Goddess of Dakshineswar, by Elizabeth Harding. In addition, there is a beautiful traditional Kali temple in Laguna Beach, California which may be visited on-line at www.kalimandir.org. Goddess Kali Ma is the goddess of liberation or enlightenment.
Member Comments
» earthyspirit said @ Fri Jun 1, 2007 @ 7:13pm
though we are not bodes, we are also bodies of another sort, what is occurring is a sharing of bodies, a mutual cooperative meant to benefit more than just the unit, but to influece and ripple affects into reality, effecting change, manipulating, complimenting, correcting, like white blood cells, in an other body-form. The body is very important in this role, it is a counterpart, it is shaped by us and becomes what we ask of it, though what we "ask" is more of what we command it to react to by "feeding" all the various aspects with effective "food" or detrimental "poison" This also falls into the realm of language, symbolism and the whole delivery system of media in every medium, all sense feeding, perceptable affect, effecting.
» moondancer said @ Mon Jan 30, 2006 @ 10:40am
I'd like to say also that her role in death is intensely understated, because Kali is destructon in one of it's purest forms, which is why shes often misunderstood. She brings this open-mindedness, dissolution of ego through destruction, another reason why she's worshipped in burial grounds but what is worshipped about her is the sun after the rain. To be thankful and see the good in everything that happens no matter how painful or difficult to accept, and to use that for the better, to appreciate what we have and realise that not everythign is what it seems. She is a bit over-glorified here.
» PitaGore said @ Mon Jan 23, 2006 @ 5:27pm
Sophia again i love u
» AYkiN0XiA said @ Fri Jan 6, 2006 @ 2:04pm
great article, kali sister :) my mother becomes kali when she yells at my foolishness. i fear her, but she is actually chasing after my demons. you might be interested to check out the role of kali as a divine mother in tantric practices. her association to sexuality is somewhat understated (like one's mother) because only in the act of fusion could she engender the world and be it's mother. kali is still a form of the shakti.