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Title:P.L.U.R. ‚ Dumbass
Posted On:2005-11-17 00:00:00
Posted By:» trashandsuicide
We all know the origin of PLUR, love it or hate it. Use it as your own personal life philosophy, or dismiss it as new wave hippie bullshit. That choice is up to you.

Peace Love Unity Respect

According to the popular story, the phrase was coined by Frankie Bones. According to legend, a fight broke out while he was mixing and he stopped the show to say, "If you don't start showing some peace, love, and unity, I'll break your fucking faces." "Respect" was only added later by other people discussing the sentiment online (like us!).

The point is, this is a fine credo. Living by these words makes a lot of sense to me (no, I don't consider myself PLUR, nor candy, and I don't own a single piece of fun-fure). However, the problem is these words have come to be, as will all philosophies, taken to the extreme to their own detriment.

Look at the original quote; he'll "break your fucking faces"...right off the bat, that's not very "PLUR" because... chances are, he wasn't, at least, not by the standard of what PLUR is today.

Nowadays PLUR has just gone to far. If you're not sexually promiscuous, you're not PLUR. If you ever yell at someone for being a jackass, you're not PLUR. If you happen to enjoy dressing in black, you're not PLUR. If you've ever been in a fight for any reason, you're not PLUR. If you don't like drugs, you're not PLUR. What the fuck!?

These kids have such a narrow-minded idea of what it means to be a raver, that they're missing the point of the whole sentiment. Yeah, raves are big fun parties where you're bound to make a bunch of new friends, run into some old ones, and generally have a good time. That's because most of the people at that party are there for the same reason as you are. It's not only ridiculous, but also idiotic to assume that someone will treat you with respect if you prance about all day in fuzzy pink pants with a stuffed animal for a shirt. Why? Because you don't fit in with the norms of what society thinks you should look like.

Is that fair? Nope. But who cares? It's your decision... want a reasonably paying job, don't show up to the interview dressed like a candykid, a goth or a punk... all three (and many more) will get you booted out on your ass faster then you can say; "Hi, my name is..."

Oh I'm sorry.. you got your drugs taken away by an authourity figure... do you bitch about how "un-PLUR" the cop was? No, you suck it up and say "woops, I was a dumbass for not hiding my stash better". Does it say Peace Love Unity Respect on a police badge? No, it says "To Serve and Protect". And the general consensus is that drugs are bad, so they'll protect you and the population by confiscating those drugs and tossing you in jail, glowsticks, candy bracelets and all.

So fine, you're "PLUR". So what? What it comes down to is: be a good person, don't fuck with others for no reason, etc etc. Simple Biblical bullshit... do unto others and all that. It doesn't mean you have a right to do drugs. It doesn't mean everyone should respect you. It doesn't even mean that you have a right to dance all night if the appropriate measures haven't been taken. Even ravers need to follow the laws, or be subject to the ramifications if they break them. Don't be a pussy. Don't be ignorant. Fucking wannabe PLUR kiddies end up looking like white trailer trash most of the time they're so fucking detached from the real world and the way it works.

Now I'd like to go do some fucking ecstacy and dance all night please, and I won't pick a fight, I just might make fun of you if you look like a grown up dressed like a retarded clown.
Member Comments
» Mico said @ Fri Jan 6, 2006 @ 12:50pm
I agree with Kishmay pinas
» Infected_Pills said @ Mon Dec 12, 2005 @ 11:12pm
PLUR is my lifestyle phylosophy... and it's so great! Bon temps des fêtes.
» Kishmay_Pinas said @ Mon Nov 21, 2005 @ 12:00am
plur is a great philosophy if you in fact exude plur, which more often than not is not the case. Yo don't expect me to respect you if you are still a pretentious prick at the end of the day. That plur street gots to run both ways.
» AYkiN0XiA said @ Sat Nov 19, 2005 @ 11:34am
i plur you :)
» trashandsuicide said @ Fri Nov 18, 2005 @ 9:11pm
Note: The Little bit of code that doesn't not show up is supposed to be a "does not equal" symbol.. so the title of the article is Plur Does Equal Dumbass. PLUR is really just an evolved version of LPE anyways... Love Peace Ecstacy. I don't pretend to be "plur" since I don't like labels.. but I do respect almost everyone, up until a point where they lose my respect... thanks for the props btw guys.
» ikce said @ Fri Nov 18, 2005 @ 4:01pm
Plur its the comercial word for the rave... after this text, I must admit that you are pretty cool . Thumb up
» Crazy_666 said @ Fri Nov 18, 2005 @ 10:30am
plur is just a more evolved vertion of respect respect is somthing everyone should aim for you add love and peace and then unity if you want it :P
» cvxn said @ Fri Nov 18, 2005 @ 9:14am
Nice article!!! :D Y'a ben du monde qui se disent PLUR pis qui bitchent tout le temps... Dans le fond, le PLUR, c'est juste une question de bon sens! :D