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Title:Paul Verhoeven for Harry Potter VII?
Posted On:2005-11-08 00:00:00
Posted By:» Seabee
Paul Verhoeven for Harry Potter VII?

Author J.K. Rowling, has hinted recently that the last of the Harry Potter movies may very well end up being directed by Paul Verhoeven (Total Recall, Basic Instinct, Starship Troopers...). The fact that the fourth cinematographic installment of the Harry Potter franchise has been rated PG-13 for sequences of fantasy violence and frightening images (UK:12A), and that each successive chapter, from Colombus to Cuaròn to Newell to Yates, has been darker and more grim than it’s predecessor makes Rowling want to keep heading in that direction. "Odds are that Harry Potter VII will be rated R for realistically graphic violence and strong sexual content" said the British author in an interview given last week in Los Angeles. Rowling also says that to effectively portray dangerous curses and hexes on screen in a dramatic way, one needs a director used to blood and gore. "Voldemort is not a choir boy, there's going to be blood splattered everywhere at some point" says Rowling. On his part, Amsterdam-born director Paul Verhoeven says that he is looking forward to the project, especially now that the kids at Hogwarts are getting older and that by the time they start shooting the last Harry Potter film, most of the girls in the story, will be over 18 and will be eager to show their breasts on the big screen for the first time. "I just hope that Joanne gives me a go for that explicit honeymoon sex scene with Bill and Fleur Delacour" says Verhoeven. "and since that Potter boy must die, or so I heard, we'll have him die in proper style!" Unconfirmed sources have also said that before Rowling's choice had stopped on Paul Verhoeven, she had also been considering directors Oliver Stone and Robert Rodriguez for the job.
Member Comments
» Deadfunk said @ Tue May 16, 2006 @ 12:54pm
» cvxn said @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 @ 12:03pm
Bah, pas nécéssairement lol Je crois qu'il faudra attendre le 7e livre avant de faire des prédictions sur le film lol ;)
» Densetsu13 said @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 @ 8:42pm
I have to admit this put a smile on my face. Considering Half-Blood Prince had them making out all over the place, if it weren't for parents and the church I'm sure she'd have them shagging all over the place by the last installment as well =P
» rOckie_horrOr said @ Wed Nov 9, 2005 @ 3:54pm
» lunnp said @ Wed Nov 9, 2005 @ 5:47am
Who the fuck is Paul Wall. Im starting to get angry. You wouldnt like me when Im angry////I love e_veryone,,,,,never trust a typo by the way
» tranceinmypants said @ Tue Nov 8, 2005 @ 11:22pm
» Mali said @ Tue Nov 8, 2005 @ 8:29pm
Yaaaayy can't wait!!!