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Title:The Trick of That Dating Thing (Mostly Aimed at Males)
Posted On:2005-10-11 00:00:00
Posted By:» trashandsuicide
This is a slight commentary on the "Being Twenty-Something" Article. With more specifics of being twenty-something and dating (and partying).

I thought I had everything figured out last year. I was marrying the woman I loved, sure I was only in my early 20s, but who cares? When something's right you just know, right? Wrong. You don't know shit. But that's not because you're in your 20s, its because you're a human, and the number one rule of being a human is that no matter how much we think we know, its only the tip of the iceberg. On top of that, everything changes. So even if you have a perfect handle of the situation, who's to say that it will hold true for very long? So wake up one morning, and everything is different. Too bad, try again.

So since May I've been pondering that whole "dating" thing our culture does with much earnest. I've dabbled in it over the summer, seen a few girls, shaken the rust off my charm and pick-up lines (what was cool when I was 18 was no longer cool this June), and thrown my hat into the circle. But now I see the dating world up close and personal, in a far less fucked up light then I was privvy to at the tender age of 18, and there are problems.

Big ones.

First of all, how do you 'pick up' a girl? Cheezy pick up lines and charm just seem cheap. I mean... do you want to DATE a girl who you could pick up with any of those lines we all fall back on when drunk and desperate? Of course not, we just wanna quick fuck. We're talking about companionship here, not a quickie. So you're stuck just "making friends" with cute girls, since that's the only real way to get to know if they're worth even remotely commiting to. And then suddenly you're a "good friend". No wait, stop! You wanna be a good friend with benefits! And frequent sleepovers! And someone to make you soup when you get a cold who isn't your mother!

So how do you do it? Who knows? I guess you just try it.

Here's the trick of it all as near as I can tell:

You just be yourself to every you meet, and always be on the lookout for someone who qualifies on all your preliminary requirements (looks, personality, interests, etc). When you meet someone who meets all those requirements, you just keep it cool and be yourself. That way, she'll like you for who you are, and you'll get along great (assuming you have a great personality, are good looking, and have similar interests). If you like her, and she likes you, the chemistry will MAKE ITSELF happen. No need for lines.. you'll just be drinking one day and then say some stupid shit like "You can totally lean on me or something..." and she'll BUY IT... because she LIKES YOU. At that magical stage you can even get away with being retarded and saying things like "I think it's a good idea to make out right now..." and once again... she'll be into it. Because you're being yourself, and she likes YOU.

To the best of my knowledge, this might not get you laid quite so often, but it WILL net you a fine s/o when the long search is over.

Oh yes, no for vanity's sake, the number rule of dating: THEY MUST BE HOT.

I cannot stress this enough, we're not talking about tens here. Just some degree of hot/cute/sexiness. Of course this is not the only thing to look for, but if you're not dating someone who you personally find attractive, your self-esteem will do all sorts of crazy ass shit, and you'll just become a dick. Also, no matter how crazy shit gets in the relationship and the aftermath you can tell your friends:

"At least she was hot."

Member Comments
» Thomas said @ Wed Nov 30, 2005 @ 1:02am
» moondancer said @ Mon Oct 24, 2005 @ 6:44am
Maybe it would be better if you could say "at least we loved eachother" or something. But I guess you would be too embarassed to admit you were in love with someone ugly.
» BeAtJuNkIe said @ Sun Oct 16, 2005 @ 10:51pm
hmm...different strokes for different folks i guess.nice article still.