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Title:The Strangest Dream
Posted On:2010-01-28 02:56:49
Posted By:» Diamondiferous
As time went by, as the clock ticked it's life away, the boy and the woman had hung out a few more times. In this very box, the one which had marked the boy's dreams, the one with the red bricked wall and the window that would come and go, the same old not too comfortable nor too unpleasant environment. Though, this time, there was another soul around. The woman could feel it and it was clear on her face. Her eyes were looking for this presence to manifest, provoking it by telling it his story for it to realize there was no danger when this cat shaped light appeared with a big smile. It was blurry but visible. The cat whispered in smoke : ''Where is all that blood coming from ?''


There she was. Standing with pride... She was naked. Completely aware of my ''being there''. She wasn't facing me. Maybe 'cause I weren't alone. A stranger was there, somewhere. It wasn't very clear when he was into it or not. I could feel all of the tensions reaching my weak point when I noticed there was a trap. Where everything seemed perfect and comfortable, there was a fucking trap. You can say whatever the fuck you want, it was there. Waiting for me to fall in it. Waiting for the fish to bite on the hook. I have noticed, too, that it was clever. It would get in the way as soon as I'd give it a chance, as soon as I'd get weak. When the hunger would take over me. It would break the chain of sanity by it's weakest link. When I'll expect it the least. Affecting the core of my soul. Eating me up instead of calming the hunger. I could not reach her. I could not touch this body of hers. And just to make me feel better/worst, she turned around. Right there, while I was chained to ground like an old tree to it's roots. I couldn't move but slowly. Very slowly. In years I could barely move an arm. But now, I want to move. I want to reach her body and feel the human warmth. I found my motivation and am incapable to let her know. That's when I started to hear it. I started to hear the colors of the water flowing on my skin. Faster and faster. The trap was following me. And I shouldn't have got fooled because it is leading nowhere. Even though the path I saw laying in front of me seemed so real. It weren't. I made up my mind and am following this path with no regrets. No. No regrets. Even though you left everything behind, this path was now mine. I made it mine. I would, then, hae thought I was fooling the trap. But it was still in control. More then I would have ever believed it could. She was not aware of it, though. She would come to me, old tree, everyday since she moved in. I would get in her thoughts, give her genuine advice, make her think it's hers, make her feel good about herself. It would make me feel like I control time. Like my moves would suddenly grow faster. And when I would get comfortable with these two chains – sanity vs. insanity – and finally feel in control again, this trap would still be there. It would still be it's path. Not mine. I know it won't be afraid to get in my way. It won't step back and asked me to count 'till seven. It would open up, make me feel lost in a mist of noise, disturbing my mind, not letting me see my thoughts as I feel alone and say : ''Things could not get any worst.'' Just as I would fall, she would leave, at fall, when my leaves are fallen to the ground and she's grounded to another one. And just as I would tell myself I should try on some new shoes. The trap would be there. It would still be waiting for it's time... which it had now come. That's when I ended up wandering in wonders of mine. Not knowing where I was or... how I got there. But I was now In and so, it took over my commands. More then I supposed it would. I could then see from the inside the ''Outside of the Ocean'' and I felt from another world. A cube one. Where people plant shadows of sounds just to see how they'll turn out : As noise or as feelings ? As light or as a living creature ? As the trap turned into human shape tried to speak with me, in it's un-understandable language which used to be quite clear to me before I fell in there, I opened up my eyes.


He was back in her box. The room was was filled with light. Breakfast was warming up the ambiance. There was a stranger sitting at the table, pouring a cup of coffee for him. The stranger and the woman welcomed back the boy. He recognized, somehow, the tone of the strangers voice. They exchanged looks but no name had been mentioned like names didn't matter on this side of the door. The food was succulent. It would go down their throats like melted chocolate butter or cherry Jello. When the silence arrived, it got awkward. It felt like the only thing each had in mind was the other ones' blood. They all wanted to know what each other tasted like though they knew they maybe shouldn't. The stranger thought – and it was clearly showing in his mind – that they were at the right place to let things be. On this side, everything can be right as long as it feels right. So he swung his paw backwards, aiming the woman's face, scratching her left cheek. Three stripes of blood suddenly appeared on her face. The boy truly had a hard time staying in place so he jumped on the stranger like a savage and bit his ribs as he had never seen meat before. The woman, pulled in by a force, added up some of herself. It was a delicious recipe of harmony, love and hate. A perfect tripod of three personalities each so different but outstandingly the same.
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