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Title:Solar 2008 1st Ever Dance Event in Stettler At Social Bo's Stettler AB AUG30TH
Posted On:2008-08-15 02:02:59
Posted By:» AfterGlow
Afterglow Productions is now throwing the first rave to ever come to stettler alberta Aug 30th with our best lineup Featuring DJNEX spinning trance and hard house and the 20 year old DJNEX prodigy RED7 spinning Dance and Trance.

This event will feature

DJRED7|HardTrance|HardHouse|Progressive Trance|


3 Highspeed LED Rave Lights

Massive Sound

First Time Ever Used Venue

This Event is 18+ and in STETTLER AB at Social Bo's Bar and Grill(Previously Kowloon)

Tickets are 15$ AT the door

So come out and party with 2 of canadas Best Dj's in the Dance Scene Aug30th at Social Bo's Bar and Grill and attend the most intense party of the summer.

com/djnexcalgary Djnex Profile and Website

com/afterglowcanada AfterGlow Productions Official Website
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