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Title:Jean Genet, Deathwatch
Posted On:2008-02-03 15:36:22
Posted By:» hazel
GREEN EYES [sadly]: Listen, I tell you it's so sad that I wish it were night so I could try to cling to my heart. I'd like--I'm not ashamed to say it--I'd like, I'd like, I'd like, I'd like to...to cuddle up in my arms.

MAURICE: Calm down, control yourself.

GREEN EYES [still sadly]: And now you think I'm washed up. Green Eyes is completely gone to pot. You can get a close-up view of the big desperado. Touch me, you can touch me. [Suddenly violent] But don't be too sure! It may not take much to make me bounce back and lay you out flat! Better be on guard, all the same. You've just learned something about me that the police were never able to learn. You've just seen what I'm really like inside. But look out! I may never forgive you. You've had nerve enough to take me apart, but don't think I'm going to remain there in pieces. Green Eyes'll pull himself together. Green Eyes is already getting reorganized. I'm building myself up again. I'm healing. I'm making myself over. I'm getting stronger, more solid than a fortress. Stronger than the prison. You hear me, I am the prison! In my cells I guard big bruisers, brawlers, soldiers, plunderers! Be careful! I'm not sure that my guards and dogs can keep them back if I loose them on you! I've got ropes, knives, ladders! Be careful! There are sentinels on my rounds. There are spies everywhere. I'm the prison and I'm alone in the world.

MAURICE: Calm yourself, Green Eyes.

GREENE EYES: I'm preparing executions. I'm freeing convicts. Look out, boys! [The door of the cell opens without anyone's appearing]

--from Deathwatch
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