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Title:to all children
Posted On:2004-10-21 00:00:00
Posted By:» AYkiN0XiA
The time of the Great Awakening is come. You who have chosen to lift your eyes from darkness to the light are blessed to see the event of a new day on planet Earth. Because your heart has yearned to see real peace where war has reigned, to show mercy where cruelty has dominated, and to know love where fear has frozen hearts, you are privileged to your world.

Planet Earth is a blessing to you. She is your friend and your mother. Always remember and honour your relationship with her. She is a living, loving, breathing being, like unto yourself. She feels the love that you give as you walk upon her soil with a happy heart.

The Creator has chosen your hands to reach the lonely, your eyes to see innocence not guilt, and your lips to utter words of comfort. Let pain be no more! You have wandered in dark dreams for so long now. Step into the light and send for what you know is truth. The world has suffered, not from evil, but from the fear of the acknowledgement of the good. Allow the fear to be released now and forever - released into the light and transformed. It is within your power to do so.

No one can find yourself but you. All of your answers are within. Teach the lessons you have learned. Your understanding has been given, not only for yourself, but to guide a sore and tired world to a place of rest in a new consciousness.

Here before you is your vision come true. Here is your answer given you - a song to soothe a weary soul and make it new again. Here is a bridge that joins you to your brothers and sisters. Here is your Self. Look gently upon yourself, and allow yourself to be filled by the Light you have been seeing. True love comes from yourself, and every thought is a blessing to the entire universe.

All areas of your life will be healed. You will shine with a golden splendour that speaks of the One who created you in wisdom and glory. The past will dissolve like a dark dream, and your joy will be so brilliant that you will have no recollection of the night.

Go forth and be a messenger of hope. Point the way to healing by walking in gratefulness. Your brothers and sisters will follow. And as you pass beyond the portal of limitation, you will be united and reunited with all who seem to be lost. There is no loss in the Creator. Choose the path of forgiveness, and you will weep tears of joy for the goodness you find in all.

Go forth and live the life of the radiant soul that you are. Glorify the Creator in your every deed. You are important, you are needed, and you are worthy. Do not allow the dark cloak of fear to hide the light from your view. You were not born to fail. You are destined to succeed. The hope of the world has been planted in your breast, and you are assured of success as you stand for the One who Created you.

This, then, is the healing of Planet Earth. All your doubts and fears can be set aside, as you know the healing comes through the love in your heart.
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