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Title:Are you ready to " LEVITATE" ?
Posted On:2007-07-04 07:28:18
Posted By:» StereoVoice
Blended Productions and Stéphan Grondin
join forces as of Saturday July 7th for Levitate

Montreal, June 21th 2007

2007 will for sure be more than ever Stéphan Grondin best year to date. This celebrated DJ/Producer, who claims residency at Stereo Nightclub, lines up hits with the speed of light, from his remix of DJ Paulo’s Ride The Beat released on Pure Music, to Peter Bailey & Carlos Fauvrette’s Pushin’ Beatz on Stereo Productions, and Alan T’s Deranged signed by Fatal Music. More recently, Stéphan could not resist the offer of Sony-BMG to remix Eva Avila’s latest single Fallin’ For You. All will agree that Stéphan Grondin’s musical career is, without a doubt, at its apogee.

Not only did we regularly have the chance to hear him play on various occasions at Stereo Nightclub where he has been resident DJ for the past 4 years, Stéphan also already enlightened the dance floors of Parking Nightclub, Pacha NYC, Club Unity Montreal, Toronto’s landmarks FLY Nightclub and Sonic Nightclub, and of course the 2006 & 2007 editions of the Bal en Blanc, presented at the Palais des Congrès de Montréal (Montreal Convention Centre). The popularity and success of the CD compilation Stereo Sounds 001, co-produced by Stéphan Grondin and DJ Vibe, surely confirm that Stéphan has the public’s main vote.

It took no more for the team of Blended Productions, who is climbing the latter of the montreal electronic dance music scene since the past 3 years with signature events like Tribalicious, StereoSound, & Full Body Workout, to decide to involve Stéphan Grondin in one of the most elaborate fantasy that Stereo Nightclub has featured up until now—a theme night from Buddhist influences, with sumptuous decors, the most recent developments in visual creation, choreographed dancers, and an unprecedented marketing strategy. Those are the elements that the team members of Blended Productions, Chris, Jean-François, and Marc-André, have elaborated for their newest thematic night Levitate, featuring Stéphan Grondin. “I have been a resident DJ at Stereo Nightclub for the past 4 years, and I was very happy when the team of Blended Productions brought up the idea of presenting this new concept”, says Stéphan. “I like the philosophy behind the concept Levitate, which is to raise our awareness to brand new heights. I still haven’t had the chance to see the decor and set-up, but the boys of Blended have my total trust. I will see the surprise on the same day that all of you will!”

Levitate will also be the title of Stéphan Grondin’s next single, scheduled to be released around Labour Day on the label Mile End Records. Blended offers a audio peek of the first extract of Levitate, composed by Stéphan Grondin and Marc Thériault, in the “Artists” section of their website, at www.blendedproductions.com.

Stereo Nightclub kindly invites you on Saturday July 7th 2007 at 2h00am, for the grand première of Levitate, presented every other month by Blended Productions. For the occasion, Stéphan Grondin will grant us with a never ending night; a rare Extended Set! As of 8h00am, the young virtuoso Alain Jackinsky will take over the decks at the After Eight Dayclub @ Stereobar, where the night goes on…
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