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Title:A Fairly Fatalistic, Yet Somewhat Optimistic Conjecture on the Possible Fate of the Universe
Posted On:2007-06-12 09:50:59
Posted By:» the_big_jo
Ever since early man started using tools, our species has technologically evolved in an accelerating, intensifying, cyclical pattern. The sequence begins with a destructive phase , characterized by negative change: death, war, famine, disease. This is is what gives the fuel to our technological evolution, after all, necessity is the mother of invention. This is followed by a constructive phase, defined by positive change, with both technological and humanistic leaps upward. Through our knowledge of history, it is easy to spot the pattern that this cycle is accelerating exponentially. Apply this principle on an infinite scale, which is mathematically possible.

The destructive phase would be so large, it destroys the entire universe; basically a "big bang." Physics teaches that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The only reaction that could equal the destruction of the universe would be it's creation...
Member Comments
» Rompfndasl said @ Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 10:48am
I like that. Great entry!