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Posted On:2007-03-03 02:56:39
Posted By:» FaUst
I'm reading a really interesting book...(cheers Sakara!!!)

«One of the biggest influences on early Vjing: the house scene was flooded with drugs. There are reasons why Simon Reynolds entitled his work on techno and rave culture Generation Ecstasy. MDMA, with its end product ecstasy, like the hallucinogenic LSD (although to a much lesser extend), causes an effect similar to symptoms experienced by people who suffer from synaesthesia. The clinical description of synasthesia is a " neurological mixing of senses". People who suffer from synaesthesia can be, for exemple, capable of hearing colours or seeing music. The VJing at house parties reproduces this experience. Whereas ecstasy does create a "spiritual" symbiosis of sensation, it doesn't evoque many concrete visual hallucinations compared to LSD. One could say that if LSD had been the drug of the house scene there would have been little or no need to compensate for the lack of performance or low visual character of a dj set. There would be no VJing. »

audio-visual art + vj culture (p15)/ Michael Faulkner / D-Fuse (for more infos on synaesthesia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia)

There is some stuff missing here...Only one conclusion is made...I'll come up with my own one day ... ;)

It will start with :

One could say also that....
Member Comments
» Psilo said @ Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 8:45am
never heard of that theory...interesting, thx!