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Title:My Horoscope
Posted On:2003-07-03 00:00:00
Posted By:» Nuclear
Born February 20, 1980, 6:35pm in Montreal

The Sun is 1-1/2 degrees Pisces, which makes you very much a Pisces, since people born on the cusp of a sign have more characteristics of that sign than those born later on. You have a kind, loving, sympathetic nature, and feel for animals and people in distress. You are not living entirely in this world; your world is vaster than the 3-dimensional world that others perceive as real. Because of this, people find it difficult to understand you. You have a sense of order, but that order may appear chaotic to others. Yet people like you, for they sense something extra special in you.

You have a good intuition and a strong affinity for the occult and the paranormal. But you keep this side of your nature under wraps. You are secretive because you feel that being secretive benefits you.

Sun is in the 6th house, which is not a good place for health. You must take very good care of your health and try to protect yourself from all types of ailments, including contagious diseases.

Virgo is the ascendant, and Virgo is the opposite of Pisces. A Virgo ascendant can prevent Pisces from expressing itself fully. Virgo ascendant makes you fond of learning, gives you an active mind, good mental abilities, makes you critical, thoughtful, methodical, ingenious and perceptive. Pisces does not have a strong sense of self-preservation, but Virgo does.

Moon in Taurus bestows a courteous and affable disposition inclined to friendship, love and marriage. You are determined, and not to be thwarted in your aims. You resist forced changes or outside influences. You are hopeful, ambitious and desirous of excelling, good hearted and your sympathies are easily aroused. Tend to the acquisition of friends, possessions, houses and lands. Intuitive, and as a rule have good judgment.

Mercury in Pisces means that the intellect gains in knowledge not so much by deep and profound application to study, as by intuitive perception. You possess an understanding not acquired from books; know things in a peculiar manner; rarely at a loss to explain any condition. Your mind is imaginative, impressional and quickly adapted to the requirements of the moment; you possess a great absorptive capacity and the power to memorize. Your mind tends to psychic or mediumistic qualities but attended with some danger or inconvenience through over-receptivity in nature. Fond of pleasure, recreation and traveling, especially on the water. Numerous abilities, often change employment, good judge of human nature, versatile, ingenious and dexterous. In the 7th house it means that your relationship to your partner, or the person your marry, will be more mental than emotional, and not usually of a lasting nature.

Venus in Aries gives you a fondness for travel, and for music and the arts. Your nature is ardent, affectionate, demonstrative, generous in the bestowal of affection, fond of love and admiration, warm-hearted, passionate and attracted to friends of the opposite sex. You are popular and have many friends, but beware of an early or hasty marriage as that would result in an inharmonious relationship. In the 8th house you will gain in financial affairs through marriage or partnership, and also by legacy or through goods and affairs concerning the dead. Moon in the 8th house strengthens this even further.

Mars in Virgo makes you quite original and interested in bold and scientific enterprises in which you are usually successful, yet you have many struggles of a peculiar nature as this location of Mars puts difficulties in the way of the ambitions and desires for power and fame, helping to bring reversal, downfall, obstacles and continual annoyance or opposition. You are a good worker in employ, but usually follow your own will quietly, being mentally very active, quick-witted, shrewd and somewhat acquisitive; tactful and discriminative; possess reserve force and energy. Mars in the 12th house puts you in danger of injury, slander, scandal, loss of reputation or treachery from enemies or misplaced affection; grave trouble through impulse, lack of frankness or candor; liability to imprisonment, secret enemies. Fortunately, Jupiter is also in the 12th house, conjunct with Mars, and this offsets the effect of Mars to a very large extent. Trine to the Moon in the 8th, the money you gain or inherit will help you stay out of trouble.

Jupiter in Virgo increases your mental inclination in all directions toward an intellectual or even somewhat materialistic view of things. Your nature is cautious, not easily imposed upon, discreet, prudent and discriminative, and therefore you have the ability for practical scientific and philosophical investigation and study, your mind being analytical, critical, and mater-of-fact, possessed of wisdom, knowledge, honesty and ability for the study of natural laws.

Saturn in Virgo makes you reserved, discreet, cautious, prudent, frugal, serious, quiet and intuitive. Somewhat worried, anxious, doubtful or mistrustful. At times very gloomy, depressed and easily discouraged. Inclination for investigation of the mysterious; fond of the occult and profound or scientific studies. Gain by careful investment. Troubles and misfortunes through marriage and partnerships; difficulties, struggles, obstacles, sorrows and disappointments.

Uranus in Scorpio gives you strength of mind, will, determination, persistence, power of concentration and a spirit which cannot be broken by resistance. At times you are bold, stubborn, sharp-spoken, shrewd, acute, reserved, secretive, aggressive, forceful and rebellious; frequently at variance with other people and with accepted opinions. Uranus in Scorpio intensifies the activity toward self-advancement and personal gain. It given a love for things mechanical and an inventive nature. In the third house it denotes estrangements from kindred and neighbors; sudden and unexpected news, journeys and changes, odd happenings, meetings, adventures. Makes you appear peculiar or eccentric and makes the mind curious, inventive, ingenious, unconventional and fond of the occult, mystical, ancient or unpopular studies, social and mental reforms. Be careful of your health while traveling.

Neptune in Sagittarius is likely to give too great a love for change and travel and over-sensitive emotions; vague, indefinite feelings such as strange and annoying dreams or visions and psychical states. In the fourth house it distances your relationship with your parents.

Pluto in Libra makes you sympathetic and peace-loving. In the 2nd house it gives you a good financial and business sense and makes you put much value on material possessions.

The aspects, where not mentioned specifically, have been taken into consideration while judging the planets, signs and houses.

Member Comments
» perception said @ Thu Jan 3, 2008 @ 3:08pm
:) so don't forget to take care of yourself...! I prob wont see you :( so HAPPY BIRTHDAY in advance :D !!!