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Title:A Letter...
Posted On:2003-04-23 00:00:00
Posted By:» Belldandy
I'm sending this to you thinking you're the promoter, if not, please foward it around! : )

I wonder why I've never been to a Renegade Legion event before, I wanted to attend Anabolic Frolic, but that was impossible at the time.

I went briefly to BubbleGum! (3am to 7am), and what a sight it was! A party like I've been dreamin for a while now! Beautiful crowd (stylish and with nice moves!!), beautiful venue, incredible vibe and incredible Music!! One of the nicest party I've attended in two years!

However I was unable to fully appreciate it, as my pot-enhanced cookie was a little too strong and totally uncompatible with a rave. I danced for an half-hour, and after that, crashed and generally wasn't feeling very good.

What a joy to find that Time Rift is coming along! I'll be sure to participate and have an incredible time, this time...

That's about it, I was just amazed at the event (especially now that we're getting a little jaded toward raves) and wanted to congradulate and encourage you & friends for the next events. ^_^

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