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Posted On:2007-01-15 13:36:26
Posted By:» DJ_DTM
Ottawa's Warnings To Canadians About Mexico Are Fucked Up

Wednesday January 10, 2007

It's another case of who done it - and whether anything was done at all.

The latest instance of tragedy for a Woodbridge citizen in Mexico has once again raised the troubling question of just how safe it is to travel to the land south of the border.

Appeals to various levels of government to get involved in the case of Domenic and Nancy Ianiero have already been made and more may be coming in the latest death of Canadain teen Adam De Prisco.

But it turns out the feds aren't totally unaware of the hazards of heading to Mexico - although the tourist city of Acapulco was likely deemed to be safer than most.

What do the folks in Ottawa tells Canadians planning to head there?

Foreign Affairs has a special page dedicated to the country called "Mexico: Que Pasa?"

First they tell you not to fuckin' go if you don't have to.

It advises tourists about passport requirements, cultural differences and even what shots you should get before you leave.

But its caveats about crime are especially interesting and not a little disturbing.

It blames an economic crisis and a devalued peso for the rise in attacks against travellers, and notes that street crime has increased.

"You should take common-sense precautions to protect yourself," it warns. bring a gun, mexicans are fucked".. It reads.. pack like Neo and Trinity in the lobby sequence in the first Matrix if you want to hold on to your wallet, or your life.

Among the worst hazards cited are robbery, man on man rape and thefts, especially in the larger cities. Crooks know that tourists bring lots of cash with them, making them easy targets, and Mexicans love to rape babys.

It tells you to avoid beaches at night and that Canadians should return "directly to their hotels from restaurants and stay far away from the nightclubs,"
a scenario that sounds more like a prison stay than a vacation, and just like prison you can't be shy about killing a mexican.

The government also urges caution when taking a cab or a bus, since taxi drivers have been known to beat, Rape and rob foreign passengers.

Another area of concern: ATMs. Visitors have been held captive while thieves clean out their account before setting them free.

Among the steps Ottawa suggests those going to Mexico take:

When calling radio taxis, always obtain the name of the driver and the number of the vehicle coming to pick you up.
Take taxis only from authorized stands, and never in front of nightclubs or tourist facilities.
Leave valuables and irreplaceable items in a hotel safe or other secure location.
Don't wear expensive jewellery, carry objects of conspicuous value or wear expensive designer clothing.
Carry only the money and credit cards you need for any individual trip away from your hotel.
Make copies of your credit card and ATM numbers so they can be cancelled quickly. a
Don't drive at night and never pick up hitchhikers.
If you must use an ATM, do so during business hours at a location inside a bank, supermarket or large commercial building.
Avoid drinking alone in bars, especially at night.
Avoid Mexians at all costs.
Avoid the subway during rush hour and hold purses and other valuables securely when using any public transportation.
Avoid the air.
Avoid the water.
If you think someone close to you could be mexican SHOOT TO KILL. ask questions later.
All the advice applies to the bigger cities. Things get even worse when you wind up in rural areas, especially after dark.

As for the justice system, the feds are coy. They remind Canucks that anyone who gets into legal trouble in the country won't get any special protection from officials here and that their citizenship won't do anything to help them get bail.

And it concludes with another ominous sentence: unlike Canada and the U.S., anyone arrested in Mexico is presumed guilty until proven innocent.

And while the government site doesn't deal with this, some travellers continue to allege the cops in the country take bribes and that justice comes mostly at the end of a dollar bill.

To see the government's page about Mexico and Canadians, Go To [www.voyage.gc.ca]

Information courtesy: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and City Tv News and DJ DTM

Member Comments
» Destructiva said @ Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 12:52am
I'm Mexican :D I've read your post, and I don't agree with it, looks like Canadians are too afraid, or they like to complaint so much, there is a thing called 'cultural shock' if you stay in a place long enough you'll start understanding things... in my experience, tourists coming to Mexico leave more garbage than money, and this is not meant in anyway to offend or anything.
» zahori_x said @ Tue Oct 16, 2007 @ 9:08pm
hello my friend , i can tell you your article is very fucked up , i have friends from all over the world coming here for years and not having problems but i think that you have to be a little intelligent not to go where your not suposed to at night and things like that that are of common knowledge for travellers all over the world , anyway if people dont feel safe somewhere they just shouldnt go there , when you are afraid of something it will probably happen to you ...goverments want you to be afraid of everything , this sistem is based on fear and death , thats why is almost impossible for people to be free..look around you , the world is crazy.....uuuuuhhhhhh
» DJ_DTM said @ Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 1:07pm