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Title:Lalla Land
Posted On:2006-10-06 20:30:37
Posted By:» GRASP
On my block
Steve Lalla

Okay, bite me - it's time for some underground mixtape reviews, yo. Straight outta tha streets of MTL, Lalla got some hardcore shits for ya mind.
Slikee & Dialect Nter Da Xzit: In part an homage to our late friend Mike "Nter" O'Neill, it was inevitable that this CD would make me cry, but I never guessed that it would also make me shit my pants laughing. Dialect, better known as a breaks DJ in the local rave and club scene, laces up some sweet hip-hop beats - some pilfered, some original - and does up the ill scratches, while Slikee (am I spelling this correctly?) doses the tracks up with badass whiteboy rappin'. Straight outta the slums of Two-Mo, kids don't fuck around. The result is hands down some of the funniest shit I've ever heard in my life. My allotted space is goddamned valuable so it should mean a lot to readers when I sacrifice a chunk of it to restate these mad rhymes:

"My saliva lubricates your vagina and your ass crack/ and I smoke crack just to keep me thin/ I got a multicoloured dildo made out of porcelain/ my jizz is on your skin/ stick my fist in your ass 'til there's shit on your shin/ my balls are on your chin/ is sodomy a sin? Okay let's begin/ to molest the children/ Make sure they're virgin/ My fucking idol is Michael Jackson."

It's hard to tell what's going on here due to shoddy liner notes, but Slikee, Grasp, Whitebread and my man Nter all make appearances on the mic while Dialect conducts the backing beats through 12 tracks. If you like Necro, Ol' Dirty
Bastard or Paul Barman you should cop this without hesitation

(info: dj_dialect82@hotmail.com).
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