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Title:Our destiny
Posted On:2002-09-24 00:00:00
Posted By:» PaT_
So this is where it begins. Our dreams suddenly and so unexpectedly turning into the greatest reality. A though, small and simple being accomplished with much hard work and thought. Waking with that nervous shake in your blood and realizing today is the day. Almost like a routine, been in and out of there enough; just relax. And then that time comes with all the familiar faces, waiting, patiently to get in. Five by five you bring them in. Through dark tunnels they go, they are the real, the true, the devoted children pushing their experiences to the limits. Going into the unknown, united they march, until the littlest and lasts steps out into the lights and then….and then the music starts. Pounding in and out with a slight echo throughout the whole factory; Crawling through all the deep dark corridors into the unknown. The dance ritual begins and its starts to heat up, dust in the air with music all around until the sun comes up and their body’s tell them no more, they slowly move back out. With only a few left, we all help out and start to bring everything out; into the sun light we go. Once again undetected, with only our memories of that one great night. But in the end, the great relief’s, the smiling faces, the satisfaction…once again, fulfilling our destiny, our dreams, and making it the best fuckin night of our lives.
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