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Title:raver pollution
Posted On:2006-07-02 00:00:00
Posted By:» AYkiN0XiA
this is how the ravers contribute to the big amounts of pollution the humankind creates on the earth. this is the basic contents of a rave garbage bag:

- flyers
first, flyers are made out of cardboard. they could be recycled.
second, ravers don't have to accept a flyer if they don't want it. flyers mainly inform us of a party, and most of the ravers go on that wonderful rave.ca website, so therefore they don't need to have a flyer.
third, there is no use to bring more flyers than ravers to a party.

- glowsticks (edited)
sure they are really cool, but they are also disposable pieces of crap. there are two solutions to this problem. solution one is pretty simple: you can buy the light toys, and rechargable batteries. not only you'll save money on the long run, but these toys also flash and make all kinds of effects that glowsticks don't. solution two is to break the glowsticks after you use them and empty the liquid, and put them to the recycling bin instead of the garbage.

- plastic bottles and aluminum cans
they are recyclable too. raves should be equipped with garbage cans as well as recycling cans, one besides each other, so when the raver goes about throwing their things in the garbage, they are given the choice. emphasis on the recycling, too, is a good thing. it goes really well with the PLUR philosophy, respect for the environment.

this is very important. we are the generation that is supposed to be intelligent about those things. there is many reasons why we rave, and one of them is to 'escape' from the world, but it doesn't mean acting like irresponsible and careless either.

seriously if we all make that effort we could reduce the raver pollution by at least 75%. and probably even more.

thank you for reading, and thank you even more for acting.
Member Comments
» HumFuk said @ Thu Jul 16, 2009 @ 9:24pm
flyer: it's useless crap, we don't need those glow sticks: it can be useful if you're lost in the dark, it's a waste to use in parties plastic bottles: just bring one small bottle you can have with you and big container from which you go refill your bottle, this way there's very little trash to dispose of. we don't need to recycle more as recycling is a red herring and not a solution, we need to reduce the amount of trash we produce. In Europe, we noticed that if people attending the event have to pay to attend they seem to expect other people to clean after them and they feel little to no guilt throwing trash around. In a free party event, people tend to be more responsible and conscious, but many people also tend to take a lot of drugs and forget about acting responsibly. but if the proportion of responsible people is high enough the place will be mostly clean afterwards.
» perception said @ Tue Nov 14, 2006 @ 9:27am
right on!
» Raton_baveur said @ Sun Oct 29, 2006 @ 11:24pm
wow!!! enfin
» DJ_CURVE said @ Tue Jul 18, 2006 @ 11:30am
All this plactic and cardboard pollution ARE NOTHING compared to the pollution created by the CHEMISTS that produce the extasy and speeds and whatosever ravers POP all the time:P
» Spyke said @ Fri Jul 14, 2006 @ 2:06pm
save the planet, kill a raver.
» Shaolin said @ Fri Jul 14, 2006 @ 12:24pm
Wow, moi qui pensait que tout ceci etait pour debattre un point mais je vois qui en as qui on rien a faire que d'ouvrir leur grand gueule pour rien dire de constructif mais bon...lol Mais si y'a qqn qui sais ou acheter des batteries du genre calculatrice rechargable, ben faite moi en part, j'en cherche pour mes light mais pour l'instant je dois fucker l'eco pour un moment encore... :(
» cvxn said @ Thu Jul 13, 2006 @ 8:43pm
agreed :D and also, batteries are recyclable, in a way. There are places where you can give them and they recycle it. At my college we could do it.
» digidev said @ Thu Jul 13, 2006 @ 1:52pm
» mtl_mtl said @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 @ 9:58pm
what about the used syringes and the bags full of glue? or the unrecyclable raver goo? or all those shitty minimal techno vinyl records?
» Deadfunk said @ Tue Jul 11, 2006 @ 10:18pm
or you can stick your glow stick in your ass, it will be recycled! seriously yeah its nice, the best idea is really for the garbace and recycling cans, i will surely make pushes so there will be some at raves
» Densetsu13 said @ Tue Jul 11, 2006 @ 3:09pm
Excellent article. These are alllllll things that most of us don't even realize. Hopefully things will slowly start to get better, especially with the help of promoters who remind people of these things and do these things themselves as well.
» Fire_Drag_On said @ Fri Jul 7, 2006 @ 8:46pm
enfin y'as du monde qui ont la switch a "on", sa fait du bien a voire. En effect le monde doit ce reveiller car le point de non retour frappe a nos portes coter environemental . la planette c est comme un peu chez vous. Je cois pas que bien des gens ferais ca sur leur terrain. realisont et reajisson ! au P.C
» AYkiN0XiA said @ Tue Jul 4, 2006 @ 8:59pm
je parle de batteries rechargables. tu les achetes une fois et c'est bon pour un fucking boutte. avec le temps ca revient pas mal plus economique que d'acheter deux lightsticks par party, en plus que tes batteries tu peux les utiliser dans d'autres patentes aussi quand tu raves pas...
» ravedave said @ Tue Jul 4, 2006 @ 4:03pm
glowsticks are non-toxic...
» Samwise said @ Tue Jul 4, 2006 @ 12:19am
Nice article... Hopefully minds will change for the better before its too late...
» Spinner said @ Mon Jul 3, 2006 @ 3:59pm
But...but...i luv chem stix... :*(
» rave_dolphin said @ Mon Jul 3, 2006 @ 11:20am
These are good tips for sure, I never came to realise how much garbage a rave may cause !
» maery said @ Sun Jul 2, 2006 @ 7:54pm
It's great that you've mentioned this! If I'm one of the last stragglers at a rave, I'll actually go around picking up flyers on the sidewalk and take them home for recycling. I try to do my part to help the environment, but it's good to make a post like this- it raises the awareness of everyone else. One person can make a difference, but it's so much better if everyone gets involved and pitches in.
» Smartyz said @ Sun Jul 2, 2006 @ 7:35pm