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Posted On:2006-06-18 00:00:00
Posted By:» AYkiN0XiA
human beings, brothers, sisters,
the world is at the point today where it needs to be unified.
we know each other. we know our heartbeats speak the same language.
there is only one river as there is only one blood.
we are not to be unified under any emperor, or under any flag,
we are not to be unified under any name or under any color.
we are the same. me, you, anyone. human beings walking on the earth.
mother earth is a gift to you and me, yet she belongs to no one.
we must take care of it for our children. and the children of our children.
they will need a mother too, if we want the life to perpetuate.

i feel so small facing your big companies,
the people who have 'succeded' in the little game
we are fooled into thinking life is.
yet everytime i pass one of those places,
i remember.

KRUGER cutting the trees of our virgin forests,
WAL-MART killing local hopes for self-sustainable economy
ESSO refusing to cooperate in the kyoto project
DOLLARAMA selling all kind of useless junk, crafts made in series with no love
PEPSI & COKE making those drinks we perfectly know are destroying human beings from the inside.
ALL CIGARETTE COMPANIES putting addictive poison in the sacred tobacco
TIM HORTONS, BURGER KING, DAIRY QUEEN, MC DONALD'S, WENDY'S, etc, wrapping food and serving coffee in disposable stuff, and putting no real love into the food we eat.

the list goes on, and this is ourr real problem.
people running those companies are as human as you and me.
they were young, they went to school, they've been hurt,
but they decided they would make it big.

why? i don't know.
maybe they were plain stupid,
but i would rather think they simply lacked love,
because one who knows love looks forward to the future.
LOVE is the best you can get out of life, and when you know LOVE,
you know that life is worth living, and you want to perpetuate the experience,
and you think of your children,
and of your children's children,
and of their children too,
on what kind of earth will they live?
what kind of air will they breathe?
what kind of water will they drink?

for the first time in history, the earth is unified
in a web of communications, and we are free to learn
about each other's cultures and way of lifes,
and we can communicate, too, and we realize
we are brothers, sisters,
and we have many names for the same god.

this is where we need to stand as one tribe, all nations.
the problem is worldwide now, we live on the same earth,
we breate the same air, we drink the same water.
us, people who live love, people who love life,
human beings,

tell me where do you stand?
do you still live inside your fences,
believing none of this can touch you?
do you still defend the place you live, blindly,
in fear of what you don't want to recognize?

if i tell you i need your help,
will you lend your hand,
or will you cross your arms?
Member Comments
» Smile said @ Fri Jul 7, 2006 @ 10:54am
I will always lend you my hand
» PartyPopple said @ Sat Jun 24, 2006 @ 1:50pm
this is awesome...so many people are waking up to life :) thanks
» angy_lika said @ Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 8:44pm
Sérieux c tellement se que je pense et chaque jours j'essais du mieux que je peux d'en faire réaliser l'importance aux aveugles de se monde...
» Magmatix said @ Mon Jun 19, 2006 @ 11:29am
J'aime bien celui-ci ... Je ne comprends pas tout en anglais ... Mais je comprends à 100% ton message d'amour pour nous tous ... Je le ressent qui vibre dans mon âme cette même appel à l'harmonie universelle ... Merci ... -----:)-