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Title:Intoxicated Revelations
Posted On:2001-05-08 00:00:00
Posted By:» ezra
We live in self-made worlds created by our own psychological understanding of life. Or maybe that's just my own understanding of life, whatever, the point being that we go about our day to day lives, with out realizing that everything around us is a tool, no, not a tool, but part of a pattern. Everyone you come in contact with, even people you just make eye contact with. They all weave into this pattern, this one unique pattern that every individual has and contributes to.

If you make yourself aware of this, if you can drown out the back-round psychobabble of your mind, and tune in using your feelings, your instinct, and a self confidence that you know what your doing is right and possible, you can feel this continually changing pattern of others wills and feelings, of your own will, interacting and reacting to this "pattern". And if U do all this, if you manage to get this far, you can change the weaving of this mental, living, breathing human connection between all of us. U can shape it with your own will, words and thought, shape it into something positive, or whatever the present vibe demands.

Its like sitting in a room with a bunch of people who are fucked (better to be fucked because then others in the room, including your self, seem to be more perceptive sub-consciously to the general feeling of the vibe that's taking place between you and them). So yea, sitting in the room with whoever, wherever, and making everyone feel good about themselves just because your concentrating about feeling good about Yourself, and then moving that self-determination into line with whatever the vibe in the room is, and then overtaking it. Making your feelings, your will, the will and feeling of the room.

If you're alone with just one other person, you can go even deeper. U can experience real and unquestionable bonding, regardless of gender, or age, or belief. And if that person really lets go, opens her or himself up to you, you can love each other's souls. Then you can turn towards them, look into their eyes, look through the windows into their heart, and say, well, to quote a perceptive man, "I can see through you, see to the real you".

Thing is though, trust whoever you might try this with, cause you can find beautiful things in side the human heart, compassion, love and understanding. But you can also see dark things, insecurities, fears. forgotten lies. And its really tuff to reveal one without the other, that's why, do this with a trustworthy friend, a person who understands that absolutely know one is perfect. Someone who would never judge you because of those imperfections. A person (and yes, I know its hard to find, but if it were easy, if you could do this with any stranger off the street, I believe that it wouldn't be anywhere as true, as real). But a person who realizes and overstands the fact that only by facing and challenging those imperfections, can we ever find true spiritual bliss. Only then, by looking into the true colors of someone else, can you see and understand the colored shades of your own soul.
Member Comments
» lacasse.bob said @ Wed Jul 4, 2007 @ 8:30pm
How come no ever left a comment here since 2001 ??? Great text, is it all from you ?