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Title:Civil Disobedience and Rave Culture
Posted On:2006-05-05 00:00:00
Posted By:» hazel
or, How To Fight For Your Right To Party

by NULL, of the Malatesta League (malatestaleague@usa.net)

Over the last couple years, "civilized" society has found a whole new enemy for the war on drugs. Raves were originally underground parties that were cheaply available, centered around dancing, technically illegal (no permit was attained), and existed for one night only. People would come together, dance the night through, release their bottled-up energy, and then go home and await the next workday. For a while, everything was good. And then came the police state response to the peaceful gathering of young people.

The truth is that busting raves is not about saving people from themselves, or noise complaints, or "disorderly conduct" or any of that. It's about making sure that our right to assemble doesn't exist. The status quo was threatened by these upstarts who dared consider the idea that people should be free to gather for a night of cheap, easily accessible fun.

The police came in, they arrested who they could, they intimidated by passing bogus "anti-rave" laws or ordinances, they created a culture of fear that intended to make sure people stayed lawful and abiding in the privacy of their homes. Who needs social interaction, dancing, and music when you've got MTV, NBC, and CNN?

And for the most part, ravers listened. Raves became corporate and "legal", and now cost anywhere from $30 - $50 each. Gone is the multicultural attitude based on Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect. It's been replaced with a homogenized environment based on Money, Money, Money, and Money. The whole basis of a rave has been lost.

What if people fought to bring it back? What if people stood up for their right to assemble? What if people resisted and fought back?

There's ways to do this, methods that after a half a century of trying to subvert, the governments and police departments of the world still have no real way to combat. It all goes back to civil disobedience and how to non-violently protest.

Imagine, if you will, a rave out in the middle of a small mid-western town. The town itself has a total of about 8 cops on duty at any one time. They show up to bust a rave, expecting to arrest about 10 or so unlucky ravers who weren't able to run away. But yet, when they get there, posturing with their lights and their badges and fancy automobiles and machinery, people don't run. People sit down.

And they refuse to move. They lock arms and non-violently resist arrest. If the cops manage to pull them out of the crowd, people go limp, so that it takes two or three cops to drag them to be arrested. With a large crowd, it could take hours before everybody has been moved. As this is happening, the press and the media show up, and take pictures and give interviews with non-violent ravers who are simply struggling for basic rights. Lawyers are contacted to come and observe police behaviour. As soon as the first few people are arrested, some people may decide to get up and sit around the police car or bus to make sure that they can't leave. All the while, mainstream society says to themselves, "I thought that ravers were supposed to be apathetic kids who only cared about drugs. What the hell is going on?"

The police may leave and give up. At this point, these ravers will cheer louder than they ever have when they see the power that people hold when they stay together. But, the police may come back with re-enforcements. It has happened before, but all is not lost. In the end, someone has to foot the bill.

When and if everybody ends up in jail (where will they even hold all these people?), the police find out that every single one of them has no ID on them, and they are all refusing to give their names, instead choosing to excersize their right to remain silent. Further, everybody insists on seeing a lawyer, and waving their right to a speedy trial. This is a small town, who is going to foot the incredible bill of arresting, jailing, housing, feeding, processing, and bringing to trial a huge amount of peaceful ravers? How many times will this have to happen before the system takes the path of least resistance, as most systems inevitably will do, and decides to let people party in peace?

This is an option. Some people might be reading this, saying to themselves, "They're just raves. They're not worth all this trouble," and I say that they are. Because raves represent the very basic right of people to assemble, have fun, socialize, and do all of this without paying large amounts of money to corporate, "legal" interests.

Groups exist that can give guidance about peaceful protest, non-violence, civil disobedience, legal support, jail solidarity, etc. If raving as a political statement appeals to you, get in contact with groups like the Direct Action Network, Earth First!, or other radical organizations in your area.

And remember: when we lose our right to have fun, society will crumble. And it won't be pretty.

NULL, Malatesta League
Member Comments
» LyXo said @ Wed Jul 5, 2006 @ 5:22pm
A big prob is extasy... you destroy the brain at long term... who will change the world if we are brain dead...
» mtl_mtl said @ Fri May 12, 2006 @ 12:57pm
good luck getting ten people at your small town rave.
» basdini said @ Wed May 10, 2006 @ 7:20am
I have alot of respect for people like this, i think it's more complicated tho, Also so long as there are drugs involved with raves, that is all the media will see...My advice is to keep trucking on, try to be smarter and more creative than the system designed to contain you, it is hard but not impossible...Peace+Respect to all people everywhere trying to live free and experience authentic genuine existence, Down with the 'Society of the Spectacle', Down with the haters and down with the Bitch Ass Tricks who counterfit the funk.
» redlightdistrict said @ Tue May 9, 2006 @ 10:06am
i think this really happened in the mid west some where.. but the best way to get them back is bring as much none ravers to raves..And be succesful in your life Make sure the sub culture runs tha main culture.. Just mix it all up like a big bowl of salade..
» FreshJive420 said @ Sun May 7, 2006 @ 12:40pm
so when is this happening cuz i just cleaned my protesting chain and i'm ready to tie myself to a tree..but seriously..if i'm not blasting the music in your face or putting the drugs in your mouth then let me dance..its all i ask
» Mico said @ Sat May 6, 2006 @ 12:35pm
» hazel said @ Fri May 5, 2006 @ 7:05pm
it makes me really sad that IX 3 got raided and shutdown, and i refuse to accept this as just "part of the game." it's kind of synchronistic that i just found this article, which i think is a good start-point for discussing incorporating partying into real world concerns like taking responsibility for our lives and confronting an expanding police state.