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Title:The Rally Point
Posted On:2001-05-02 00:00:00
Posted By:» Belldandy
I've experienced many things. Seen the world through sets of eyes which I cannot describe but only mention. I understand the fundamentals of my exsistence but I decide to fuck them and pursue my coarse. I love the way life unfolds. Don't you wish it'd never end? Maybe not. I donno, but I think what keeps me going is the fact that everything around me isn't real anymore. I can't handle my reality. This is one of the few times I can sit here and lecture someone on how to think. But no. That's not what I mean at all. I'm only a man and I can't fully comprehend the universe. Should we a nation as a people learn to love each other or to fight each other. If you ask me, it doesn't matter anymore. If i were to die tonite, you would never know I existed or even think twice about the triple homicide downtown. I love the rave seen. I love the people. I love the drugs. Fuck conformaty. I love the rave seen. I love the people. I love the drugs. Fuck conformaty. Who's with me? There will be an end of course to our powerhouse. There will be an end to this chaos. Join the wave. Power the raves. Fuck conformaty.

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