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Title:Let Me Read Your Mind....
Posted On:2006-04-07 00:00:00
Posted By:» FreshJive420
2 Rules Answer these questions
Do not scroll to the bottom...yet


Pick A number 2 to 9

Multiply it by 9

Add the digits
(ex: 25, 2+5=7)

Subtract 5

Find the corresponding alphabet letter
(1=A, 2=B...etc...)

Now think of a country begining with that letter

Now take the last letter of that country's name

Now think of an animal that begins with that letter

Now find the last letter in the name of the animal

Now think of a fruit that begins with that letter.

Do you have your three answers?

Scroll All the Way Down To See If I Guessed Right...

Are You Thinking Of......

A Kangaroo

Eating Oranges

In Denmark?

If not, congratulations you're part of only 2% of the population that is open minded enough to think of a different answer.
As For the other 98%, I hope You had fun...
Member Comments
» FreshJive420 said @ Thu Apr 20, 2006 @ 4:12pm
hey i didn't write this thing it was e-mailed to me..i think the trick is cool but i don't care much for the explanation either
» Silvermotion said @ Thu Apr 20, 2006 @ 4:07am
i got djibouti, irish setter and rhubarb And plz explain why ppl who think of danemark first are not open minded?
» dreamtektor said @ Mon Apr 17, 2006 @ 10:04pm
shit i got koala apple and denmark too !
» xbsd said @ Sat Apr 8, 2006 @ 7:37pm
nice, i got koala, apple and dannemark =)