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Title:Random Optimistic Short Writing
Posted On:2001-04-27 00:00:00
Posted By:» Belldandy
I have this thought where I'm walking along a blank desert road, I look to my left and see nothing. I continue walking, the sky is the color it is before the sun sets, the reddish sometimes purple reflection off the clouds, the sun staring at me as it goes down. I'm walkin through the desert. Walkin towards the mountains. Strolling towards the plateau, the place of peace. I 'm almost there, I can see it…I can taste the future on the air. Soon there'll be no go'in back, now is the time for decision, now is the time for choice. I must mark my mistakes, sear them into my mind. I must remember the fuck ups because they will be my armor for the future. There like the beacons for how to handle your life.

There comes the age when our actions will either condemn us or save us. We are on the brink of the wave, that if we take note of our mistakes we become stronger in our structure, prepared for all. There is benefit in everything, hard thing to write down with full faith, but it is true, a certainty about life. I try to trust myself, so that I can walk with my eyes closed, along the desert road.
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