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Title:MODEST thought always Appreciated.
Posted On:2006-04-04 00:00:00
Posted By:» KryzStof_Wisher
Starting of again coz m not meant for ending, Blame me. Found the most peaceful place where being over possessive is just me,
Memories. Ma thoughts scared to share, donhave nothing else. Keep talking jus getting consciously habitual to surprises. Where?
Surprises not surprises me ne more. Why? Mental torture. Lol. Plz don’t prophesize. This time, is a cause . Erased? For sure Marks r there. Not me can erase the written, not th depth of the words. Acid been dropped on the thermacoal. See me burning , in fumes I disappear woz made from the foam just bubbles brought to the sand by sea. Being silent and quite is like invitation to the darkness of the night. U r not th only one staring at th sun .
See you mirror, reflecting back. Me. Something’s can not forget, they are not just dreams in sleep. Still thinking. Quitting does not make any difference, just makes it litter. Worst to live with.
With it or with out it. Quit? Cotton clouds Pimpomcandies.Not temporary Beat it.

Doesn’t mean a THING.
Realities lies in CD’s keep them,
Breed them, Fulfill it.
Programmed to PLEASE.

? Wht do ya want frm me

Member Comments
» Zz.ee.vV said @ Wed Apr 5, 2006 @ 12:06pm
Mind's ideal state? Questionable. Subjective and individual. Where does modesty plug in. Shyness at sharing thoughts is not a virtue but a hindrance to self. Condition time and time again proven crippling. Substance? Vagueness and ambiguity may make apparent depth. But real? Sensing aspirations to profound. Justified? Depends on what is there to be found. -Z