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Title:The Neverending Story
Posted On:2006-03-27 01:00:00
Posted By:» hazel
so mambo miam miam was weird and great for lots of reasons, but one was that they played that great remix of the neverending story theme. i'm reading the book again, and earlier in the morning i'd biked past a warehouse called Artex, the name of the hero's horse, so then to hear that song almost made me flip. Anyways, i thought i'd share a good section from the book.

Bastian had shown the lion the inscription on the reverse side of the Gem. "What do you suppose it means?" he asked. '"DO WHAT YOU WISH." That must mean that I can do anything I feel like. Don't you think so?'
All at once Grograman's face looked alarmingly grave, and his eyes glowed.
'No,' he said in his deep, rumbling voice. 'It means that you must do what you really and truly want. And nothing is more difficult.'
'What I really and truly want? What do you mean by that?'
'It's your own deepest secret and you youself don't know it.'
'How can I find out?'
'By going the way of your wishes, from one to another, from first to last. It will take you to what you really and truly want.'
'That doesn't sound so hard,' said Bastian.
'It is the most dangerous of all journeys.'
'Why?' Bastian asked. 'I'm not afraid.'
'That isn't it,' Grograman rumbled. 'It requires the greatest honesty and vigilance, because there's no other journey on which it's so easy to lose yourself forever.'
'Do you mean because our wishes aren't always good?' Bastian asked.
The lion lashed the sand he was lying on with his tail. His ears lay flat, he screwed up his noise, and his eyes flashed fire. Involuntarily Bastian ducked when Grograman's voice once again made the earth tremble: 'What do you know about wishes? How would you know what's good and what isn't?'

check it out, it's one of the best books ever!
Member Comments
» stanfy86 said @ Wed Jun 7, 2006 @ 2:51pm
deep very true i think.