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Posted On:2006-03-22 01:00:00
Posted By:» RAD
This is a Candyflip trip I dreamed about at ravewars 2006-03-04

The combination was extremely powerful. After the LSD I was enjoying my trip. About 20-30 minutes after I took the MD, I could feel the onset. Its difficult to explain, but as I was already tripping I felt in great detail the beginning of the MDMA effects on a very physical level...

I could feel the speeding of my heart and breathing, and felt the MDMA-ness go from my center and spread gradually to my limbs. This all may of course be psychosomatic.

As the MD took effect, the visual characteristics of the scene began to change, and I found that my emotional reaction to objects and people *strongly* cast their appearance.

There was a definite combination of the MDMA everything is beautiful look and the Acid's power to warp the actual appearance of things..
Gradually I became overwhelmed with sadness and despair about all the things I had done and said wrong over the last few days, and became extremely mentally and physically disoriented, and I needed a friend's help to get me through the rest of my day.

All in all, I thought it was an extremely powerful and interesting experience, and parts of it I truly enjoyed.

MDMA seemed to powerfully reinforce the reality bending aspects of LSD, and LSD opened a new door on the emotional projections of MDMA.

Note: In my dream the Acid was an Alex Gray and the MDMA was in pure white powder form.
Member Comments
» Raton_baveur said @ Wed Feb 21, 2007 @ 3:08pm
attention jeune homme, on ne peut pas combiner les effects de deux drogues comme ca, les effect de divers psychoactif sont multiplier... lsd et mdma = dépresseur et exitant = changement sporatique de la pression sanguine = !!!!danger!!!!
» WassUpOnEarth said @ Wed Oct 18, 2006 @ 10:28pm
Malade! Rêver de buzzer...très bien décrit. Mais attention! Il est fortement déconseillé de mélanger lsd et mdma: horror trip! D8
» Sicatrix said @ Thu Mar 23, 2006 @ 11:28pm
Lay off the drugs!